Bio-serv F1258 液体酒精饲料 Lieber-DeCarli ’82, Ethanol说明书

Bio-serv F1258 液体酒精饲料 Lieber-DeCarli ’82, Ethanol说明书


英文名称:Rodent Liquid Diet, Lieber-DeCarli ’82, Ethanol

规格:4 Liters/Bag

Directions for Preparing 4 Liters of Diet
These directions are for preparing diets that contain 36% kcal from ethanol. To prepare diets with modified
ethanol derived calories, see conversion chart.
1. Add dry mix, Product# F1258 (523.6 grams/4 Liters) to a blender container.
2. Measure 3400 mL of cold water (4 degrees Celsius) to the container.
3. Add 268 mL of 95% ethanol (not provided) to the container.
5. Blend for 20-30 seconds at low speed.
6. Product ready to dispense into the feeding tubes

准备 4 升饮食的说明
这些说明用于制备含有 36% 千卡乙醇的饮食。 准备含有改良的饮食
1. 将干燥混合物 Product# F1258(523.6 克/4 升)添加到搅拌器容器中。
2. 称量 3400 毫升冷水(4 摄氏度)到容器中。
3. 向容器中加入 268 mL 95% 乙醇(未提供)。
5. 低速搅拌 20-30 秒。
6. 准备分配到进料管中的产品

Feeding Instructions
It is recommended to feed the liquid diet in liquid diet feeding tubes as standard water sipper bottles can
become clogged with particulates. To fill the liquid diet feeding tubes, place thumb over the feed well and fill
with liquid diet from the top. Maintain thumb on the feed well while screwing cap on securely and invert tube
to release any trapped air bubbles. Place in feeding tube holder in cage.
The prepared diet should be maintained under refrigeration and should be dispensed within 3 days.
The prepared diet should not be kept longer than 48 hours at room temperature to prevent diet deterioration.
If diet has been prepared the previous day, invert bottle several times prior to dispensing to re-suspend
particles, which may have settled.
The average mouse will consume 20-30 mL of liquid diet per day. The average rat will consume 80-100 mL
of liquid diet per day. Intake will vary with the size and sex of the animal.
A gradual introduction of the liquid diet is recommended. Introduce the liquid diet in the presence of the
standard solid diet. Over a period of 3-5 days, increase the amount of liquid diet while decreasing the amount
of solid diet to allow the animal to acclimate. Additional acclimation time is required for ethanol containing
diets. It is recommended that the animals be gradually introduced to the ethanol diet as follows:
Day 1-3 Feed mixture of 1/3 ethanol diet and 2/3 control diet
Day 4-7 Feed mixture 2/3 of ethanol diet with 1/3 of control diet
Day 8 Feed ethanol diet only
The liquid diet is both a food and water source. A separate water sipper bottle may be provided, but may not be consumed.

准备好的饮食应冷藏保存,并应在 3 天内分发。
准备好的日粮在室温下保存时间不应超过 48 小时,以防止日粮变质。
普通小老鼠每天会消耗 20-30 毫升的流质饮食。平均大老鼠会消耗 80-100 毫升每天流质饮食。摄入量会因动物的大小和性别而异。

第 1-3 天 1/3 乙醇日粮和 2/3 对照日粮的混合饲料
第 4-7 天 饲料混合物 2/3 乙醇日粮和 1/3 对照日粮
第 8 天 仅饲喂乙醇饮食