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Vector Labs 公司是世界著名的生物学检测试剂公司,七十年代其在全球首推的生物素-亲和素系统引领了生物学检测方法的重大革命,该系统被普遍视为目前最灵敏、最可靠与最有效的染色系统,并被广泛应用于免疫组织化学、免疫电镜、原位杂交与凝集素化学中。该系统仍在不断地发展,以满足广大研究人员的各种不同要求。Vector 公司还是世界上凝集素产品的主要供应商,并提供大量的新产品,如酶底物、神经元示踪剂及蛋白质、糖类与核酸的标记、分离与检测试剂。

Goat IgG, Control Antibody


SKU Unit Size Price Qty
I-5000-5 5 mg

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Goat IgG, Control Antibody

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This IgG preparation is intended for use as a control for primary antibodies made in goat. This antibody has been purified from pooled serum of healthy adult animals and contains a spectrum of the IgG subclasses present in serum. The control antibody should be applied to the tissue section at the same concentration as the primary antibody to indicate whether staining is specific for the antigen or is nonspecific adsorption of primary antibody to tissue sites.


More Information
Unit Size 5 mg
Applications Immunohistochemistry / Immunocytochemistry, Immunofluorescence, Blotting Applications
Recommended Storage 2-8 °C; Store frozen for long term storage
Recommended Usage Reconstitute by adding 1 ml water.The resulting solution will have the following composition:10 mM phosphate, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.8, 0.08% sodium azide, 20 mg/ml sucrose. ALLOW THE PROTEIN TO DISSOLVE WITHOUT VIGOROUS AGITATION.
Conjugate Unconjugated
Host Species Goat


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Product FAQs

Could you please describe what would be an appropriate negative control for IHC that can be used to help validate tissue staining results?

A commonly used negative control is omission of the primary antibody. While this control addresses whether the secondary antibody reagents are a source of staining, inadvertent binding of the primary antibody to the tissue can occur. Various tissue elements such as Fc receptors and charged molecules may bind the primary antibody non-specifically. Simply omitting the primary antibody as a negative control would miss potential false positive staining by this means. A few “publication worthy” negative controls for IHC are listed below: 1) Preabsorption of primary antibody with the immunogen used to generate the antibody can be employed. The working dilution of the primary antibody and an optimized concentration of the immunogen are incubated together for a period prior to application to the specimen. Lack of staining would indicate specificity of the primary antibody to the target antigen in solution. Positive staining using this method, however, may indicate lack of specificity of the primary antibody and/or the primary antibody is being bound by tissue elements. To rule out the latter, this control can be used in combination with suggestion no. 2 below. Note that adsorption controls are not always feasible or practical depending on the cost or source of the immunogen. 2) Use of an isotype control (e.g. “non-immune” mouse IgG), matched to that of the primary antibody and applied at the same protein concentration as the primary antibody, is probably the most widely used negative control. This control addresses whether tissue elements are inadvertently binding immunoglobulin from the same species as the primary antibody, in addition to non-specific binding from the secondary detection reagents. In most cases, use of a sub-class of isotype immunoglobulin (e.g. mouse IgG2a or IgG2b) is not required. Note that the use of pre-immune immunoglobulin, obtained prior to immunization, could also be used. However, it is very unusual for commercial vendors to offer pre-immune immunoglobulin. 3) Substitution of the primary antibody with an “irrelevant antibody” is also a suitable negative control. The term “irrelevant” refers to a primary antibody of the same isotype as the specific primary antibody (i.e. mouse IgG) and applied at the same concentration, that is known not to bind to a target in the tissue specimen. An example would be an anti-cytokeratin antibody on smooth muscle tissue. As with negative control no. 1 above, lack of staining indicates tissue elements are not binding this isotype of immunoglobulin. 4) In some cases, the target antigen can be removed from the tissue specimen as a sort of “knock-out” preparation. Once the target antigen has been removed, the complete assay is run to determine lack of staining. One method to remove the target antigen is using defined enzyme digestion. Examples include the use of a collagenase if the target antigen is collagen, or hyaluronidase if the target antigen is hyaluronic acid. Of course, there are limitations to this approach, however, variations of this “deletion” or “knock-out” approach would be valid negative controls.

Advice? I’m new to immunohistochemistry, do you have any recommendations for how best to get started?

Yes we do. Please visit our comprehensive Immunohistochemistry (IHC) page for assistance with each step of the IHC workflow. This resource contains a great deal of technical material including product recommendations and links to other technical documentation / videos / webinars.

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