Hampton 24孔悬滴板 VDX Plate with sealant(带密封剂)

Hampton 24孔悬滴板 VDX Plate with sealant(带密封剂)
Hampton research蛋白结晶试剂代理–上海金畔生物
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  • 悬滴结晶
  • 微桥坐滴结晶
  • 透析按钮™的透析结晶


  • 24孔板凸起盖
  • 密封胶适用于24口孔,准备用盖板密封。
  • 适用于直径22 mm的方形和圆形盖板滑片。
  • 光学透明塑料
  • 用途广、成本效益高的结晶平台
  • 适用于HR3-231和HR3-233-22 mm x 0.22 mm硅化圆盖幻灯片和HR3-215和HR3-217-22 mm x 0.22 mm硅化方形覆盖片。



近似尺寸:15.0厘米x 10.6厘米x2.2厘米。

VDX Plate with sealant


 Hanging drop crystallization

Sitting drop crystallization with Micro-Bridges® or Glass Sitting Drop Rods™

 Dialysis crystallization with Dialysis Buttons™


 24 well plate with raised cover

 Sealant applied to 24 wells, ready to seal with cover slides

 Compatible with 22 mm diameter square and circle cover slides

 Optically clear plastic

 Extremely versatile and cost-effective crystallization platform

Compatible with UV crystal imaging when used with HR3-231 and HR3-233 – 22 mm x 0.22 mm Siliconized circle cover slides and HR3-215 and HR3-217 – 22 mm x 0.22 mm Siliconized square cover slides

24 well crystallization plate for hanging drop or sitting drop vapor diffusion crystallization (when used with Micro-Bridges or Glass Rods), or dialysis crystallization (when used with Dialysis Buttons). Stackable, optically clear plastic 24 well plates with raised covers (to allow room for cover slides) and flat bottoms for exceptional optics. Raised, wide rings around each reservoir (well) minimize cross contamination and allow each well to be individually sealed with 22 mm diameter circle or square cover slides. Plates are individually wrapped and supplied with applied sealant. 15.0 cm x 10.8 cm plate footprint is convenient for manual pipetting and well access while at the same time compatible with some automated liquid handling systems. Approximate dimensions: 15.0 cm x 10.6 cm x 2.2 cm. Approximate well size: 1.7 cm x 1.6 cm. Typical well volume: 500 to 1,000 µl. Well capacity: 3.5 ml.

HR3-172 VDX Plate with sealant 24 plate case
HR3-170 VDX  Plate with sealant 100 plate case
HR3-171  VDX™ Plate with sealant 40 plate case

Hampton 蛋白质结晶试剂和耗材介绍


Hampton 蛋白质结晶试剂和耗材介绍

美国Hampton Research公司位于加利福尼亚州,是一家专门从事蛋白质晶体研究的生产商。该公司向全球科研人员提供全面的晶体研究试剂和相关实验耗材,同时提供晶体设计和合成方面的定制服务。Hampton Research公司以其先进的生物大分子结晶技术和广泛实用的产品线,不仅为全世界晶体研究人员的工作带来了便捷,而且也受益于科研人员的回馈不断发展自己,目前已成为晶体研究领域最受信赖的品牌之一。
上海金畔生物作为Hampton research品牌蛋白结晶产品的代理商,我们将竭诚为您服务,欢迎新老客户咨询。

Hampton research主要产品:

产品分类 特点描述
Crystallization Screens 用于筛选和优化蛋白质/多肽/核酸结晶的一系列经验证的高精配方型溶液
Optimize Reagents 结晶级别盐类,聚合物,有机溶液或缓冲液
Crystallization Plates, Hardware & Accessories 结晶板(悬滴法和坐滴法,微量透析,微配液,自由界面扩散,凝胶以及无容器悬浮法)及其他配件
Cryocrystallography 低温晶体学耗材如Crystalcap system,cryoloops
Goniometer Heads&Supplies 测角器头和配件
Protein Crystallization Standards 结晶级别标准蛋白
Custom Shop

Crystallization Reagents

StockOptions Kits 内含盐类,缓冲液和冷冻液的简便型试剂盒
Tools,Seeding&Resin 结晶用探针,结晶笔,seeding法结晶工具
Capillary Mounts & Supplies 毛细管,玻璃纤维, 蜡,黏合剂和密封剂

美国Hampton Research公司是世界上著名的蛋白质晶体试剂供应商,该公司的产品目录是由上海金畔生物科技有限公司提供,该目录分为12个大类和几十个小类。


第一类:Crystallization Screens   用于筛选和优化蛋白质/多肽/核酸结晶的一系列经验证的高精配方型溶液

1.PCT Pre-Crystallization Test(PCT预结晶试验)


  1. Slice pH(PH切片)


  1. Solubility & Stability Screen(溶解度和稳定性的屏幕)


  1. Index


  1. Crystal Screen(晶体屏幕)



5.PEG/Ion Screen & PEG/Ion HT Screen 用于可溶性蛋白的结晶

6.PEG/Ion 2 Screen?用于可溶性生物大分子结晶

7.Crystal Screen? & Crystal Screen? HT 用于蛋白质,复合物,缩氨酸,核酸以及水溶性小分子的传统的经典结晶试剂

8.Crystal Screen 2?用于蛋白质,缩氨酸,核酸以及水溶性小分子的结晶

9.Crystal Screen Lite?用于蛋白质,缩氨酸和核酸的结晶试剂

10.Crystal Screen Cryo?用于蛋白质,缩氨酸,核酸的结晶

11.Grid ScreenTM用于蛋白质的结晶,分为七小类。

12.Quik Screen?用于可溶性蛋白的结晶

13.Quik Optimize?快速优化试剂,与Quik Screen? 或 custom screen配套使用

14.Low Ionic Strength Screen?用于完整的单克隆抗体,单克隆抗体片段以及低离子浓度很少溶解的蛋白的结晶

15.Nucleic Acid Mini Screen?用于核酸片段的结晶化


17.MembFac?& MembFac? HT用于膜蛋白的结晶

18.Additive Screen?增强或改变样品可溶性的试剂

19.Detergent Screen?去垢剂

20.Heavy Atom Screens重原子结晶试剂

21.Izit Crystal Dye?蛋白染色试剂,用于区分蛋白晶体和盐晶体

第二类:Custom Shop Crystallization Reagents  结晶试剂盒中单独的试剂

  1. Solubility & Stability Individual Reagents
  2. Slice pH Individual Reagents
  3. Ionic Liquid Screen Individual Reagents
  4. Proti-Ace & Proti-Ace 2 Individual Reagents
  5. PCT Individual Reagents
  6. Silver Bullets & Silver Bullets HT Individual Reagents
  7. Silver Bullets Bio & Silver Bullets Bio HT Individual Reagents
  8. Index • Index HT Individual Reagents
  9. PEGRx 1 Individual Reagents
  10. PEGRx 2 Individual Reagents
  11. SaltRx Individual Reagents
  12. PEG/Ion Individual Reagents
  13. Crystal Screen Lite Individual Reagents
  14. Crystal Screen Cryo Individual Reagents
  15. Crystal Screen 2 Cryo Individual Reagents
  16. Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate Individual Reagents
  17. Grid Screen PEG 6000 Individual Reagent
  18. Grid Screen Sodium Chloride Individual Reagents
  19. Grid Screen PEG/LiCl Individual Reagents
  20. Quik Screen Individual Reagents
  21. Natrix Individual Reagents

第三类:Optimize Reagents 优化试剂


2.Optimize-Organics (Volatile) 挥发性有机物

3.Optimize-Organics (Non-Volatile)非挥发性的有机物

4.Optimize-Salts 盐类


6.Optimize-Solubilizing Agents (NDSB) 溶解试剂NDSB

7.Optimize-Reducing Agent还原剂-TCEP氢氯化物



10.Optimize-Silica Hydrogel硅胶

11.Optimize-LM Agarose低熔点琼脂糖

第四类:StockOptions Kits

  1. StockOptions Salt
  2. StockOptions pH
  3. StockOptions Buffer
  4. CryoPro

第五类:Crystallization Plates, Hardware & Accessories 结晶耗材

1.24 Well Crystallization Plates 24孔晶体板-分悬滴和坐滴两种

2.48 Well Crystallization Plates 48孔晶体板

3.72 Well Crystallization Plates72孔晶体板

4.96 Well Crystallization Plates 96孔晶体板

5.384 Well Crystallization Plates 384孔晶体板-用于坐滴的结晶

6.Cover Slides & Related Tools

7.Glass Sitting Drop Rods用于坐滴的结晶


9.Glass Plates – 3 and 9 Well3孔和9孔玻璃板

10.Sealants, Sealing Grease, Oils, Applicator密封油脂,油及其它器具

11.Sealing Films, Tapes, Mats & Covers

12.Microdialysis Buttons, Rods & Membranes微量渗析结晶化

13.Granada Crystallization Box

第六类:Tools, Seeding & Resin(结晶工具、树脂)

  1. Tungsten-carbide Glass Cutter
  2. X-Acto Gripster Knife
  3. Micro-Tools™ Set
  4. Micro-Tools II™ Set
  5. Forceps
  6. Crystal Probe™
  7. Crystal Pencil
  8. Seed Bead
  9. Seeding Tool


  1. CrystalCap HT™ Systems
  2. CrystalCap Magnetic™ Systems
  3. CrystalCap™ Systems
  4. CryoLoops & MicroTubes
  5. Cryo Tools
  6. Canes, Sleeves, Coders & Boxes
  7. Dewars

第八类:Capillary Mounts & Supplies(毛细管座椅支架供应)

第九类:Goniometer Heads & Supplies(测角头及用品)

第十类:Xenon Derivatization(氙气衍生物)

第十一类:Labels & Pens(标签和记录笔)

第十二类:Protein Crystallization Standards(蛋白质结晶的标准)



美国Hampton Research公司位于加利福尼亚州,是一家专门从事蛋白质晶体研究的生产商。该公司向全球科研人员提供全面的晶体研究试剂和相关实验耗材,同时提供晶体设计和合成方面的定制服务。Hampton Research公司以其先进的生物大分子结晶技术和广泛实用的产品线,不仅为全世界晶体研究人员的工作带来了便捷,而且也受益于科研人员的回馈不断发展自己,目前已成为晶体研究领域最受信赖的品牌之一。

Hampton research主要产品:

Crystallization Screens 用于筛选和优化蛋白质/多肽/核酸结晶的一系列经验证的高精配方型溶液

Optimize Reagents 结晶级别盐类,聚合物,有机溶液或缓冲液

Crystallization Plates, Hardware & Accessories 结晶板(悬滴法和坐滴法,微量透析,微配液,自由界面扩散,凝胶以及无容器悬浮法)及其他配件

Cryocrystallography 低温晶体学耗材如 Crystalcap system,cryoloops

Goniometer Heads&Supplies 测角器头和配件

Protein Crystallization Standards 结晶级别标准蛋白

Custom Shop Crystallization Reagents 定制试剂盒和结晶溶液内的单一组分

StockOptions Kits 内含盐类,缓冲液和冷冻液的简便型试剂盒

Tools,Seeding&Resin 结晶用探针,结晶笔,seeding法结晶工具

Capillary Mounts & Supplies 毛细管,玻璃纤维, 蜡,黏合剂和密封剂

1.Screens 结晶试剂

⑴PCTTM Pre-Crystallization Test?预结晶实验
⑵Silver Bullets?用于生物大分子的初次,二次结晶
⑶Index? & Index? HTTM用于蛋白质,复合物,缩氨酸,核酸以及水溶性小分子的初步结晶
⑷SaltRx? & SaltRx? HT用于生物大分子的初次,二次结晶
⑸PEG/Ion Screen & PEG/Ion HT Screen?用于可溶性蛋白的结晶
⑹PEG/Ion 2 Screen?用于可溶性生物大分子结晶
⑺Crystal Screen? & Crystal Screen? HT 用于蛋白质,复合物,缩氨酸,核酸以及水溶性小分子的传统的经典结晶试剂
⑻Crystal Screen 2?用于蛋白质,缩氨酸,核酸以及水溶性小分子的结晶
⑼Crystal Screen Lite?用于蛋白质,缩氨酸和核酸的结晶试剂
⑽Crystal Screen Cryo?用于蛋白质,缩氨酸,核酸的结晶
⑾Grid ScreenTM用于蛋白质的结晶,分为七小类。
⑿Quik Screen?用于可溶性蛋白的结晶
⒀Quik Optimize?快速优化试剂,与Quik Screen? 或 custom screen配套使用
⒁Low Ionic Strength Screen?用于完整的单克隆抗体,单克隆抗体片段以及低离子浓度很少溶解的蛋白的结晶
⒂Nucleic Acid Mini Screen?用于核酸片段的结晶化
⒄MembFac?& MembFac? HT用于膜蛋白的结晶
⒅Additive Screen?增强或改变样品可溶性的试剂
⒆Detergent Screen?去垢剂
⒇Heavy Atom Screens重原子结晶试剂
(21)Izit Crystal Dye?蛋白染色试剂,用于区分蛋白晶体和盐晶体

2.Custom Shop Crystallization Reagents 结晶试剂盒中单独的试剂

  1. Optimize? Reagents 优化试剂

⑴Optimize? – Polymers聚合体
⑵Optimize?- Organics (Volatile) 挥发性有机物
⑶Optimize?- Organics (Non-Volatile)非挥发性的有机物
⑷Optimize?- Salts 盐类
⑸Optimize?- Buffers缓冲液
⑹Optimize?- Solubilizing Agents (NDSB) 溶解试剂NDSB
⑺Optimize? – Reducing Agent还原剂-TCEP氢氯化物
⑻Optimize? – Cryoprotectants
⑼Optimize? – Oils用于结晶的油类
⑽Optimize? – Silica Hydrogel硅胶
⑾Optimize? – LM Agarose低熔点琼脂糖

  1. StockOptions? Kits
  2. Crystallization Plates, Hardware & Accessories 结晶耗材

⑴24 Well Crystallization Plates 24孔蛋白晶体板-分悬滴和坐滴两种
⑵48 Well Crystallization Plates 48孔晶体板
⑶72 Well Crystallization Plates72孔晶体板
⑷96 Well Crystallization Plates 96孔晶体板
⑸384 Well Crystallization Plates 384孔晶体板-用于坐滴的结晶
⑹Cover Slides & Related Tools
⑺Glass Sitting Drop Rods用于坐滴的结晶
⑼Glass Plates – 3 and 9 Well3孔和9孔玻璃板
⑽Sealants, Sealing Grease, Oils, Applicator密封油脂,油及其它器具
⑾Sealing Films, Tapes, Mats & Covers
⑿Microdialysis Buttons, Rods & Membranes微量渗析结晶化
⒀Granada Crystallization Box

  1. Tools, Seeding & Resin
  2. Cryocrystallography
  3. Capillary Mounts & Supplies

9.Goniometer Heads and Supplies

10.Xenon Derivatization 氙衍生物

11.Labels & Pens


13.Protein Crystallization Standards 蛋白结晶标准

DI-039 Vapor Batch Plate, untreated, hydrophobic
DI-040 Vapor Batch Plate, treated, hydrophilic
DI-041 Vapor Batch Plate, untreated, hydrophobic
DI-043 CrystalClear Duo Strips
HR1-002 Cryschem M Plate
HR2-078 Silver Bullets
HR2-080 Silver Bullets Bio
HR2-082 PEGRx 1
HR2-084 PEGRx 2
HR2-086 PEGRx HT
HR2-088 Silver Bullets Bio HT
HR2-090 PEG/Tacsimate pH 5.8 Crystallization Reagent for Silver Bullets
HR2-092 PEG/Tacsimate pH 6.8 Crystallization Reagent for Silver Bullets
HR2-094 PEG/Tacsimate pH 7.8 Crystallization Reagent for Silver Bullets
HR2-096 Silver Bullets HT
HR2-098 PEG/Ion 2 Screen
HR2-100 StockOptions Tris
HR2-102 StockOptions Hepes
HR2-104 StockOptions Citric Acid
HR2-106 StockOptions Bis-Tris
HR2-107 SaltRx 1
HR2-109 SaltRx 2
HR2-110 Crystal Screen
HR2-112 Crystal Screen 2
HR2-114 MembFac
HR2-116 Natrix
HR2-117 Natrix 2
HR2-118 Nucleic Acid Mini Screen
HR2-120 Low Ionic Strength Screen
HR2-121 Crystal Screen 2 Cryo
HR2-122 Crystal Screen Cryo
HR2-126 PEG/Ion Screen
HR2-128 Crystal Screen Lite
HR2-130 Crystal Screen HT
HR2-131 Natrix HT
HR2-132 CryoPro
HR2-133 Crystal Screen Cryo HT
HR2-134 Index HT
HR2-136 SaltRx HT
HR2-137 MembFac HT
HR2-138 Additive Screen HT
HR2-139 PEG/Ion HT
HR2-140 PCT – Pre-Crystallization Test
HR2-142 PCT – Pre-Crystallization Test (with plates)
HR2-144 Index
HR2-211 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate
HR2-213 Grid Screen PEG 6000
HR2-215 Grid Screen MPD
HR2-217 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl
HR2-219 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride
HR2-221 Quik Screen
HR2-223 Quik Optimize
HR2-225 The Last Gasp
HR2-231 StockOptions Sodium HEPES
HR2-233 StockOptions Sodium Acetate
HR2-235 StockOptions Sodium Citrate
HR2-237 StockOptions Tris Hydrochloride
HR2-239 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate
HR2-241 StockOptions pH
HR2-243 StockOptions MES
HR2-245 StockOptions Salt
HR2-247 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate
HR2-248 Grid Screen Salt HT
HR2-310 Silica Hydrogel
HR2-312 Chelating Resin
HR2-320 Seed Bead
HR2-406 Detergent Screen HT
HR2-406-01 10% w/v BAM
HR2-406-02 n-Docecyl-B-iminodiprop. acid
HR2-406-03 Dodecyltrimethylammonium chlor
HR2-406-04 10.0 mM CTAB
HR2-406-05 Deoxycholic acid sodium salt
HR2-406-06 80.0 mM Sodium dodecyl sulfate
HR2-406-07 140.0 mM Sodium cholate
HR2-406-08 Sodium dodecanoyl sarcosine
HR2-406-09 10% w/v ANAPOE-X-305
HR2-406-10 10% w/v IPTG
HR2-406-11 n-Hexadecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-406-12 10% w/v ANAPOE-58
HR2-406-13 n-Tetradecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-406-14 10% w/v ANAPOE-80
HR2-406-15 n-Tridecyl-b-D-maltoside
HR2-406-16 0.5 mM C12E9
HR2-406-17 10% w/v ANAPOE-20
HR2-406-18 0.90 mM Thesit
HR2-406-19 10% w/v ANAPOE-35
HR2-406-20 10% w/v ANAPOE-C13E8
HR2-406-21 1.1 mM C12E8
HR2-406-22 1.7 mM n-Dodecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-406-23 1.9 mM CYMAL-7
HR2-406-24 10% w/v ANAPOE-X-114
HR2-406-25 10% w/v ANAPOE-C12E10
HR2-406-26 3.0mM Sucrose monolaurate
HR2-406-27 5.6 mM CYMAL-6
HR2-406-28 n-Undecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-406-29 10% w/v ANAPOE-X-405
HR2-406-30 9.0 mM TRITON X-100
HR2-406-31 10% w/v ANAPOE-C10E6
HR2-406-32 n-Decyl-B-D-thiomaltoside
HR2-406-33 Octyl maltoside, fluorinated
HR2-406-34 10% w/v ANAPOE-C10E9
HR2-406-35 1.4 mM Big CHAP, deoxy
HR2-406-36 n-Decyl-b-D-maltoside
HR2-406-37 20.0 mM LDAO
HR2-406-38 25.0 mM n-Decanoylsucrose
HR2-406-39 n-Nonyl-B-D-thioglucoside
HR2-406-40 n-Nonyl-B-D-thiomaltoside
HR2-406-41 50.0 mM CYMAL-5
HR2-406-42 n-Nonyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-406-43 n-Nonyl-B-D-glucoside
HR2-406-44 70.0 mM HEGA-10
HR2-406-45 70.0 mM MEGA-10
HR2-406-46 71.0 mM C8E5
HR2-406-47 76.0 mM CYMAL-4
HR2-406-48 80.0 mM C8E4
HR2-406-49 n-Octyl-B-D-thiomaltoside
HR2-406-50 n-Octyl-B-D-thioglucoside
HR2-406-51 Hexaethylene glycol mono ether
HR2-406-52 104.0 mM DDAO
HR2-406-53 115.0 mM C-HEGA-11
HR2-406-54 10% w/v Pluronic F-68
HR2-406-55 195.0 mM HECAMEG
HR2-406-56 n-Octyl-B-D-glucoside
HR2-406-57 n-Octanoylsucrose
HR2-406-58 250 mM MEGA-9
HR2-406-59 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptyl-B-D-malt
HR2-406-60 n-Octyl-B-D-galactopyranoside
HR2-406-61 n-Heptyl-B-D-thioglucopyranos
HR2-406-62 345.0 mM CYMAL-3
HR2-406-63 350.0 mM C-HEGA-10
HR2-406-64 390.0 mM HEGA-9
HR2-406-65 Dimethyloctylphosphine oxide
HR2-406-66 790.0 mM MEGA-8
HR2-406-67 1.08 mM C-HEGA-9
HR2-406-68 1.09 mM HEGA-8
HR2-406-69 1.20 M CYMAL-2
HR2-406-70 n-Hexyl-B-D-glucopyranoside
HR2-406-71 6.6% w/v C-HEGA-8
HR2-406-72 10% w/v CYMAL-1
HR2-406-73 0.5 M NDSB-195
HR2-406-74 0.5 M NDSB-201
HR2-406-75 0.5 M NDSB-211
HR2-406-76 0.5 M NDSB-221
HR2-406-77 0.5 M NDSB-256
HR2-406-78 4.0 mM ZWITTERGENT 3-14
HR2-406-79 n-Dodecyl-N, N-dimethylglycine
HR2-406-80 15.0 mM FOS-Choline-12
HR2-406-81 FOS-Choline-8, fluorinated
HR2-406-82 n-Undecyl-N, N-Dimethyl-Oxide
HR2-406-83 40.0 mM ZWITTERGENT 3-12
HR2-406-84 43.0 mM DDMAB
HR2-406-85 52.5 mM FOS-MEA-10
HR2-406-86 80.0 mM CHAPS
HR2-406-87 80.0 mM CHAPSO
HR2-406-88 110 mM FOS-Choline-10
HR2-406-89 n-Decyl-N, N-dimethylglycine
HR2-406-90 395 mM FOS-Choline-9
HR2-406-91 400 mM ZWITTERGENT 3-10
HR2-406-92 430 mM CYCLOFOS-3
HR2-406-93 1.14 M FOS-Choline-8
HR2-406-94 10% w/v ZWITTERGENT 3-08
HR2-406-95 7.0 mM LysoFos Choline 12
HR2-406-96 70.0 mM LysoFos Choline 10
HR2-408 Detergent Screen
HR2-410-01 C12E9
HR2-410-02 C12E8
HR2-410-03 n-Dodecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-410-04 Sucrose monolaurate
HR2-410-05 CYMAL -6
HR2-410-06 TRITON X-100
HR2-410-07 CTAB
HR2-410-08 Big CHAP, Deoxy
HR2-410-09 n-Decyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-410-10 LDAO
HR2-410-11 CYMAL -5
HR2-410-12 ZWITTERGENT 3-12
HR2-410-13 N-Nonyl-B-D-glucoside
HR2-410-14 N-Octyl-B-D-thioglucoside
HR2-410-15 DDAO
HR2-410-16 HECAMEG
HR2-410-17 n-Octanoylsucrose
HR2-410-18 n-Heptyl-B-D-thioglucopyranoside
HR2-410-19 n-Octyl-B-D-glucoside
HR2-410-20 CYMAL -3
HR2-410-21 C-HEGA -10
HR2-410-22 ZWITTERGENT 3-10
HR2-410-23 MEGA -8
HR2-410-24 n-Hexyl-B-D-glucopyranoside
HR2-411 Detergent Screen 2
HR2-411-01 Pluronic F-68
HR2-411-02 ANAPOE -35
HR2-411-03 2,6-Dimethyl-B-heptyl-B-D-maltopyranoside
HR2-411-04 ANAPOE -58
HR2-411-05 ANAPOE -X-114
HR2-411-06 ANAPOE -X-305
HR2-411-07 ANAPOE -X-405
HR2-411-08 ANAPOE -20
HR2-411-09 ANAPOE -80
HR2-411-10 ANAPOE -C10E6
HR2-411-11 ANAPOE -C10E9
HR2-411-12 ANAPOE -C12E10
HR2-411-13 ANAPOE -C13E8
HR2-411-14 IPTG
HR2-411-15 n-Dodecyl-N,N-dimethylglycine
HR2-411-16 HEGA -10
HR2-411-17 C8E5
HR2-411-18 CHAPS
HR2-411-19 CHAPSO
HR2-411-20 C-HEGA -11
HR2-411-21 HEGA -9
HR2-411-22 C-HEGA -9
HR2-411-23 HEGA -8
HR2-411-24 C-HEGA -8
HR2-412 Detergent Screen 3
HR2-412-01 BAM
HR2-412-02 n-Hexadecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-412-03 n-Tetradecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-412-04 n-Tridecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-412-05 Thesit
HR2-412-06 ZWITTERGENT 3-14
HR2-412-07 n-Udecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-412-08 n-Decyl-B-D-thiomaltoside
HR2-412-09 FOS-Choline -12
HR2-412-10 n-Decanoylsucrose
HR2-412-11 1-B-Nonyl-B-D-thioglucoside
HR2-412-12 n-Nonyl-B-D-thiomaltoside
HR2-412-13 DDMAB
HR2-412-14 n-Nonyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-412-15 CYMAL -4
HR2-412-16 N-Octyl-B-D-thiomaltoside
HR2-412-17 FOS-Choline -10
HR2-412-18 FOS-Choline -9
HR2-412-19 MEGA -9
HR2-412-20 1-B-Heptyl-B-D-thioglucoside
HR2-412-21 FOS-Choline -8
HR2-412-22 CYMAL -2
HR2-412-23 ZWITTERGENT 3-08
HR2-412-24 CYMAL -1
HR2-428 Additive Screen
HR2-428-01 0.1 M Barium chloride dihydrate
HR2-428-02 0.1 M Cadmium chloride hydrate
HR2-428-03 0.1 M Calcium chloride dihydrate
HR2-428-04 0.1 M Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-428-05 0.1 M Copper(II) chloride dihydrate
HR2-428-06 0.1 M Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
HR2-428-07 0.1 M Manganese(II) chloride tetrahydrate
HR2-428-08 0.1 M Strontium chloride hexahydrate
HR2-428-09 0.1 M Yttrium(III) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-428-10 0.1 M Zinc chloride
HR2-428-11 0.1 M Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-428-12 0.1 M Nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-428-13 0.1 M Chromium(III) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-428-14 0.1 M Praseodymium(III) acetate hydrate
HR2-428-15 1.0 M Ammonium sulfate
HR2-428-16 1.0 M Potassium chloride
HR2-428-17 1.0 M Lithium chloride
HR2-428-18 2.0 M Sodium chloride
HR2-428-19 0.5 M Sodium fluoride
HR2-428-20 1.0 M Sodium iodide
HR2-428-21 2.0 M Sodium thiocyanate
HR2-428-22 1.0 M Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate
HR2-428-23 1.0 M Sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate
HR2-428-24 1.0 M Cesium chloride
HR2-428-25 1.0 M Sodium malonate pH 7.0
HR2-428-26 0.1 M L-Proline
HR2-428-27 0.1 M Phenol
HR2-428-28 30% v/v Dimethyl sulfoxide
HR2-428-29 0.1 M Sodium bromide
HR2-428-30 30% w/v 6-Aminohexanoic acid
HR2-428-31 30% w/v 1,5-Diaminopentane dihydrochloride
HR2-428-32 30% w/v 1,6-Diaminohexane
HR2-428-33 30% w/v 1,8-Diaminooctane
HR2-428-34 1.0 M Glycine
HR2-428-35 0.3 M Glycyl-glycyl-glycine
HR2-428-36 0.1 M Taurine
HR2-428-37 0.1 M Betaine hydrochloride
HR2-428-38 0.1 M Spermidine
HR2-428-39 0.1 M Spermine tetrahydrochloride
HR2-428-40 0.1 M Hexammine cobalt(III) chloride
HR2-428-41 0.1 M Sarcosine
HR2-428-42 0.1 M Trimethylamine hydrochloride
HR2-428-43 1.0 M Guanidine hydrochloride
HR2-428-44 0.1 M Urea
HR2-428-45 0.1 M B-Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrate
HR2-428-46 0.1 M Adenosine-5′-triphosphate disodium salt hydrate
HR2-428-47 0.1 M TCEP hydrochloride
HR2-428-48 0.01 M GSH, 0.01 M GSSG
HR2-428-49 0.1 M Ethylenediaminetetraacetic disodium salt dihydrate
HR2-428-50 5% w/v Polyvinylpyrrolidone K15
HR2-428-51 30% w/v Dextran sulfate sodium salt (Mr 5,000)
HR2-428-52 40% v/v Pentaerythritol ethoxylate (3/4 EO/OH)
HR2-428-53 10% w/v Polyethylene glycol 3,350
HR2-428-54 30% w/v D-(+)-Glucose monohydrate
HR2-428-55 30% w/v Sucrose
HR2-428-56 30% w/v Xylitol
HR2-428-57 30% w/v D-Sorbitol
HR2-428-58 12% w/v myo-Inositol
HR2-428-59 30% w/v D-(+)-Trehalose dihydrate
HR2-428-60 30% w/v D-(+)-Galactose
HR2-428-61 30% v/v Ethylene glycol
HR2-428-62 30% v/v Glycerol
HR2-428-63 3.0 M NDSB-195
HR2-428-64 2.0 M NDSB-201
HR2-428-65 2.0 M NDSB-211
HR2-428-66 2.0 M NDSB-221
HR2-428-67 2.0 M NDSB-256
HR2-428-68 0.15 mM CYMAL -7
HR2-428-69 20% w/v Benzamidine hydrochloride hydrate
HR2-428-70 5% w/v n-dodecyl-N,N-dimethylamine-N-oxide, (LDAO,DDAO)
HR2-428-71 5% w/v n-Octyl-B-D-glucoside
HR2-428-72 5% w/v n-Dodecyl-B-D-maltoside
HR2-428-73 30% w/v Trimethylamine N-oxide dihydrate
HR2-428-74 30% w/v 1,6-Hexanediol
HR2-428-75 30% v/v (+/-)-2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol
HR2-428-76 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 400
HR2-428-77 50% v/v Jeffamine M-600 pH 7.0
HR2-428-78 40% v/v 2,5-Hexanediol
HR2-428-79 40% v/v (±)-1,3-Butanediol
HR2-428-80 40% v/v Polypropylene glycol P 400
HR2-428-81 30% v/v 1,4-Dioxane
HR2-428-82 30% v/v Ethanol
HR2-428-83 30% v/v 2-Propanol
HR2-428-84 30% v/v Methanol
HR2-428-85 40% v/v 1,4-Butanediol
HR2-428-86 40% v/v tert-Butanol
HR2-428-87 40% v/v 1,3-Propanediol
HR2-428-88 40% v/v Acetonitrile
HR2-428-89 40% v/v y-Butyrolactone
HR2-428-90 40% v/v 1-Propanol
HR2-428-91 5% v/v Ethyl acetate
HR2-428-92 40% v/v Acetone
HR2-428-93 0.25% v/v Dichloromethane
HR2-428-94 7% v/v 1-Butanol
HR2-428-95 40% v/v 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol
HR2-428-96 40% v/v 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol
HR2-429 Proti-Ace
HR2-429-01 Proti-Ace Reagent #01 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-429-02 Proti-Ace Reagent #02 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-429-03 Proti-Ace Reagent #03 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-429-04 Proti-Ace Reagent #04 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-429-05 Proti-Ace Reagent #05 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-429-06 Proti-Ace Reagent #06 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-429-07 Proti-Ace Dilution Buffer (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-432 Proti-Ace 2
HR2-432-01 Proti-Ace 2 Reagent #01 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-432-02 Proti-Ace 2 Reagent #02 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-432-03 Proti-Ace 2 Reagent #03 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-432-04 Proti-Ace 2 Reagent #04 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-432-05 Proti-Ace 2 Reagent #05 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-432-06 Proti-Ace 2 Reagent #06 (pack of 3 tubes)
HR2-434 Reductive Alylation Kit
HR2-442 Heavy Atom Screen Pt
HR2-442-01 Potassium tetrachloroplatinate(II)
HR2-442-02 Ammonium tetrachloroplatinate(II)
HR2-442-03 Potassium hexachloroplatinate(IV)
HR2-442-04 Potassium tetranitroplatinate(II)
HR2-442-05 Potassium tetracyanoplatinate(II) hydrate
HR2-442-06 Dichloro(ethylenediamine)platinum(II)
HR2-442-07 Diammino Platinum Dinitrite
HR2-442-08 Potassium tetrabromoplatinate(II)
HR2-442-09 Potassium hexabromoplatinate(IV)
HR2-442-10 Platinum potassium iodide
HR2-442-11 Platinum potassium thiocyanate
HR2-442-12 Di-μ-iodobis(ethylenediamine)diplatinum(II) nitrate
HR2-444 Heavy Atom Screen Au
HR2-444-01 Gold (I) potassium cyanide
HR2-444-02 Potassium tetrachloroaurate (III) hydrate
HR2-444-03 Sodium tetrachloroaurate (III) dihydrate
HR2-444-04 Gold (III) chloride
HR2-444-05 Gold chloride
HR2-444-06 Potassium tetrabromoaurate (III) dihydrate
HR2-446 Heavy Atom Screen Hg
HR2-446-01 Mersalyl acid
HR2-446-02 Ethyl mercuric phosphate
HR2-446-03 Mercury (II) chloride
HR2-446-04 Mercury (II) acetate
HR2-446-05 Ethylmercurithiosalicylic acid, sodium salt
HR2-446-06 Phenylmercury acetate
HR2-446-07 Mercury (II) potassium iodide
HR2-446-08 p-Chloromercuribenzoic acid
HR2-446-09 Ethylmercury chloride
HR2-446-10 Mercury (II) bromide
HR2-446-11 Mercury (II) iodide
HR2-446-12 Mercury (II) nitrate monohydrate
HR2-446-13 Mercury (II) cyanide
HR2-446-14 Mercury (II) oxide, yellow
HR2-446-15 Tetrakis (acetoxymercuri) methane
HR2-448 Heavy Atom Screen M1
HR2-448-01 Thallium (III) chloride hydrate
HR2-448-02 Thallium (I) chloride
HR2-448-03 Thallium (III) acetate hydrate
HR2-448-04 Lead (II) acetate trihydrate
HR2-448-05 Lead (II) nitrate
HR2-448-06 Lead(II) chloride
HR2-448-07 Silver nitrate
HR2-448-08 Cadmium chloride hydrate
HR2-448-09 Cadmium iodide
HR2-448-10 Potassium hexachloroiridate (IV)
HR2-448-11 Iridium (III) chloride hydrate
HR2-448-12 Sodium hexachloroiridate (III) hydrate
HR2-448-13 Ammonium hexachloroiridate (III) hydrate
HR2-448-14 Potassium hexanitroiridium (III)
HR2-448-15 Potassium osmate (VI) dihydrate
HR2-448-16 Ammonium hexabromoosmate (IV)
HR2-448-17 Potassium hexachloroosmate (IV)
HR2-448-18 Osmium (III) chloride hydrate
HR2-448-19 Acetoxytrimethyllead(IV)
HR2-450 Heavy Atom Screen M2
HR2-450-01 Sodium tungstate dihydrate
HR2-450-02 Ammonium tetrathiotungstate (VI)
HR2-450-03 Samarium (III) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-450-04 Samarium (III) acetate hydrate
HR2-450-05 Samarium (III) nitrate hexahydrate
HR2-450-06 Lanthanum (III) nitrate hexahydrate
HR2-450-07 Europium (III) nitrate hexahydrate
HR2-450-08 Europium (III) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-450-09 Gadolinium (III) chloride hydrate
HR2-450-10 Lutetium (III) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-450-11 Lutetium (III) acetate hydrate
HR2-450-12 Ytterbium (III) chloride hydrate
HR2-450-13 Dysprosium (III) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-450-14 Praseodymium (III) chloride heptahydrate
HR2-450-15 Neodymium (III) chloride hydrate
HR2-450-16 Holmium (III) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-450-17 Potassium hexachlororhenate (IV)
HR2-450-18 Potassium perrhenate (IV)
HR2-450-19 Sodium phosphotungstate tribasic hydrate
HR2-501 50% v/v Jeffamine M-600 pH 7.0
HR2-503 100% Jeffamine M-600
HR2-507 0.5 M ADA
HR2-509 1.0 M BICINE
HR2-513 Polyethylene glycol 6,000 (Flake)
HR2-515 Polyethylene glycol 8,000 (Flake)
HR2-517 100% Polyethylene glycol 300
HR2-523 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 1,000
HR2-525 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 1,500
HR2-527 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 3,350
HR2-529 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 4,000
HR2-533 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 6,000
HR2-535 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 8,000
HR2-537 1.0 M Magnesium formate dihydrate
HR2-539 1.5 M Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate
HR2-541 3.5 M Ammonium sulfate
HR2-543 3.0 M Sodium acetate trihydrate
HR2-545 2.0 M Lithium sulfate monohydrate
HR2-547 7.0 M Sodium formate
HR2-549 1.6 M Sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate
HR2-551 4.0 M Sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate
HR2-553 1.5 M Potassium phosphate monobasic
HR2-555 2.5 M Ammonium phosphate monobasic
HR2-557 2.0 M Calcium chloride dihydrate
HR2-559 2.0 M Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
HR2-561 1.0 M Magnesium acetate tetrahydrate
HR2-563 1.0 M Zinc acetate dihydrate
HR2-565 1.0 M Ammonium acetate
HR2-567 1.0 M Calcium acetate hydrate
HR2-569 1.0 M Sodium acetate trihydrate
HR2-571 1.0 M Sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate
HR2-573 1.0 M Imidazole
HR2-575 1.0 M Sodium cacodylate trihydrate
HR2-577 1.0 M HEPES sodium
HR2-579 1.0 M TRIS hydrochloride
HR2-581 1.0 M Hydrochloric acid
HR2-583 1.0 M Sodium hydroxide
HR2-585 1.0 M HEPES
HR2-587 0.5 M MES monohydrate
HR2-589 1.0 M Tris
HR2-591 Polyethylene glycol 3,350 Monodisperse (Flake)
HR2-593 DMS Oil
HR2-595 FMS Oil
HR2-597 50% w/v Jeffamine ED-2001 pH 7.0
HR2-599 50% Ethylene imine polymer
HR2-601 100% Polyethylene glycol 200
HR2-603 100% Polyethylene glycol 400
HR2-605 Polyethylene glycol 4,000 (Flake)
HR2-607 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 10,000
HR2-609 30% w/v Polyethylene glycol 20,000
HR2-611 100% Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether 550
HR2-613 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether 2,000
HR2-615 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether 5,000
HR2-617 100% 1,4-Dioxane
HR2-619 100% 2-Propanol
HR2-621 100% Ethylene glycol
HR2-623 100% Glycerol
HR2-625 6.0 M 1,6-Hexanediol
HR2-627 100% (+/-)-2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol
HR2-629 3.5 M Ammonium phosphate dibasic
HR2-631 10.0 M Lithium chloride
HR2-633 2.5 M Magnesium sulfate hydrate
HR2-635 4.0 M Potassium phosphate dibasic
HR2-637 5.0 M Sodium chloride
HR2-639 1.0 M Sodium phosphate dibasic dihydrate
HR2-641 2.0 M Zinc sulfate heptahydrate
HR2-643 Paratone-N
HR2-645 0.8 M Sodium fluoride
HR2-647 6.0 M Potassium fluoride
HR2-649 4.0 M Potassium chloride
HR2-651 TCEP hydrochloride
HR2-657 3.0 M Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate
HR2-659 10.0 M Ammonium formate
HR2-661 7.0 M Sodium nitrate
HR2-663 3.0 M Potassium nitrate
HR2-665 10.0 M Ammonium nitrate
HR2-667 14.0 M Potassium formate
HR2-669 5.0 M Lithium acetate dihydrate
HR2-671 5.0 M Potassium acetate
HR2-673 1.0 M Sodium sulfate decahydrate
HR2-675 0.5 M Potassium sulfate
HR2-677 1.5 M Sodium tartrate dibasic dihydrate
HR2-679 2.0 M Ammonium tartrate dibasic
HR2-681 1.5 M Lithium citrate tribasic tetrahydrate
HR2-683 2.5 M Potassium citrate tribasic monohydrate
HR2-685 2.5 M Ammonium citrate dibasic
HR2-687 4.0 M Nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-689 10.0 M Ammonium fluoride
HR2-691 5.0 M Ammonium chloride
HR2-693 8.0 M Sodium thiocyanate
HR2-695 8.0 M Potassium thiocyanate
HR2-697 8.0 M Lithium nitrate
HR2-699 5.0 M Sodium bromide
HR2-701 NDSB-201
HR2-703 NDSB-195
HR2-705 NDSB-256
HR2-707 3.4 M Sodium malonate pH 7.0
HR2-709 1.2 M Succinic acid pH 7.0
HR2-711 0.05 M Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide
HR2-713 1.0 M Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-715 1.0 M Cadmium chloride hydrate
HR2-717 1.0 M Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate
HR2-719 1.0 M Cesium chloride
HR2-721 1.0 M Cadmium sulfate hydrate
HR2-723 1.0 M BICINE pH 9.0
HR2-725 1.0 M Tris pH 8.5
HR2-727 1.0 M TRIS hydrochloride pH 8.5
HR2-729 1.0 M HEPES pH 7.5
HR2-731 1.0 M Sodium acetate trihydrate pH 4.6
HR2-733 1.0 M HEPES sodium pH 7.5
HR2-735 1.0 M Sodium citrate tribasic dihydrate pH 5.6
HR2-737 1.0 M Sodium cacodylate trihydrate pH 6.5
HR2-739 50% v/v Pentaerythritol propoxylate (5/4 PO/OH)
HR2-741 50% v/v Pentaerythritol propoxylate (17/8 PO/OH)
HR2-743 40% v/v Pentaerythritol ethoxylate (3/4 EO/OH)
HR2-745 50% v/v Pentaerythritol ethoxylate (15/4 EO/OH)
HR2-747 3.4 M Sodium malonate pH 4.0
HR2-749 3.4 M Sodium malonate pH 5.0
HR2-751 3.4 M Sodium malonate pH 6.0
HR2-755 100% Tacsimate pH 7.0
HR2-757 1.0 M Cirtric acid pH 3.5
HR2-759 2.5 M Ammonium citrate tribasic pH 7.0
HR2-761 3.0 M DL-Malic acid pH 7.0
HR2-763 4.0 M Sodium acetate trihydrate pH 7.0
HR2-765 5.0 M Sodium formate pH 7.0
HR2-767 1.6 M Ammonium tartrate dibasic pH 7.0
HR2-769 50% w/v Polyvinylpyrrolidone K 15
HR2-771 100% Polypropylene glycol P 400
HR2-773 50% w/v Poly(acrylic acid sodium salt) 5,100
HR2-775 1.0 M L-Proline
HR2-777 1.0 M Trimethylamine N-oxide dihydrate
HR2-779 4.0 M Potassium bromide
HR2-781 1.0 M BIS-TRIS pH 5.5
HR2-783 1.0 M BIS-TRIS pH 6.5
HR2-785 1.0 M HEPES pH 7.0
HR2-787 1.0 M MES monohydrate pH 6.5
HR2-789 1.0 M Sodium acetate trihydrate pH 4.5
HR2-791 NDSB-221
HR2-793 NDSB-211
HR2-795 1.0 M BIS-TRIS propane pH 7.0
HR2-797 100% Fluorinert FC-70 Fluid
HR2-799 8.0 M Ammonium acetate
HR2-801 TCEP hydrochloride
HR2-803 5.0 M Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
HR2-805 Lysozyme Crystallization Reagent
HR2-807 3.4 M Sodium malonate pH 8.0
HR2-811 2.0 M Zinc chloride
HR2-813 100% Tacsimate pH 9.0
HR2-814 Perfluoropolyether PFO-X175/08
HR2-817 1.0 M ADA pH 6.5
HR2-819 1.0 M Imidazole pH 7.0
HR2-821 2.0 M Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate
HR2-823 100% Tacsimate pH 4.0
HR2-825 100% Tacsimate pH 5.0
HR2-827 100% Tacsimate pH 6.0
HR2-829 100% Tacsimate pH 8.0
HR2-831 1.0 M Citric acid
HR2-833 1.0 M BIS-TRIS propane
HR2-835 10% w/v Tryptone
HR2-837 25% w/v Polyethylene glycol, 3,350, 0.1 M MES monohydrate pH 5.8
HR2-839 55% v/v Tacsimate pH 6.0, 0.1 M MES monohydrate pH 5.8
HR2-841 25% w/v Polyethylene glycol 3,350, 0.1 M HEPES sodium pH 6.8
HR2-843 55% v/v Tacsimate pH 7.0, 0.1 M HEPES sodium pH 6.8
HR2-845 25% w/v Polyethylene glycol 3,350, 0.1 M BIS-TRIS pH 7.8
HR2-847 55% v/v Tacsimate pH 8.0, 0.1 M BIS-TRIS pH 7.8
HR2-849 25% w/v Polyethylene glycol 3,350, 0.1 M BIS-TRIS propane pH 7.8, 100 ml
HR2-851 55% v/v Tacsimate pH 8.0, 0.1 M BIS-TRIS propane pH 7.8, 100 ml
HR2-853 5.2 M Acetic acid
HR2-855 5.2 M Ammonium hydroxide
HR2-900-01 StockOptions Tris #01 pH 7.0
HR2-900-02 StockOptions Tris #02 pH 7.1
HR2-900-03 StockOptions Tris #03 pH 7.2
HR2-900-04 StockOptions Tris #04 pH 7.3
HR2-900-05 StockOptions Tris #05 pH 7.4
HR2-900-06 StockOptions Tris #06 pH 7.5
HR2-900-07 StockOptions Tris #07 pH 7.6
HR2-900-08 StockOptions Tris #08 pH 7.7
HR2-900-09 StockOptions Tris #09 pH 7.8
HR2-900-10 StockOptions Tris #10 pH 7.9
HR2-900-11 StockOptions Tris #11 pH 8.0
HR2-900-12 StockOptions Tris #12 pH 8.1
HR2-900-13 StockOptions Tris #13 pH 8.2
HR2-900-14 StockOptions Tris #14 pH 8.3
HR2-900-15 StockOptions Tris #15 pH 8.4
HR2-900-16 StockOptions Tris #16 pH 8.5
HR2-900-17 StockOptions Tris #17 pH 8.6
HR2-900-18 StockOptions Tris #18 pH 8.7
HR2-900-19 StockOptions Tris #19 pH 8.8
HR2-900-20 StockOptions Tris #20 pH 8.9
HR2-900-21 StockOptions Tris #21 pH 9.0
HR2-902-01 StockOptions HEPES #01 pH 6.8
HR2-902-02 StockOptions HEPES #02 pH 6.9
HR2-902-03 StockOptions HEPES #03 pH 7.0
HR2-902-04 StockOptions HEPES #04 pH 7.1
HR2-902-05 StockOptions HEPES #05 pH 7.2
HR2-902-06 StockOptions HEPES #06 pH 7.3
HR2-902-07 StockOptions HEPES #07 pH 7.4
HR2-902-08 StockOptions HEPES #08 pH 7.5
HR2-902-09 StockOptions HEPES #09 pH 7.6
HR2-902-10 StockOptions HEPES #10 pH 7.7
HR2-902-11 StockOptions HEPES #11 pH 7.8
HR2-902-12 StockOptions HEPES #12 pH 7.9
HR2-902-13 StockOptions HEPES #13 pH 8.0
HR2-902-14 StockOptions HEPES #14 pH 8.1
HR2-902-15 StockOptions HEPES #15 pH 8.2
HR2-904-01 StockOptions Citric Acid #01 pH 2.2
HR2-904-02 StockOptions Citric Acid #02 pH 2.3
HR2-904-03 StockOptions Citric Acid #03 pH 2.4
HR2-904-04 StockOptions Citric Acid #04 pH 2.5
HR2-904-05 StockOptions Citric Acid #05 pH 2.6
HR2-904-06 StockOptions Citric Acid #06 pH 2.7
HR2-904-07 StockOptions Citric Acid #07 pH 2.8
HR2-904-08 StockOptions Citric Acid #08 pH 2.9
HR2-904-09 StockOptions Citric Acid #09 pH 3.0
HR2-904-10 StockOptions Citric Acid #10 pH 3.1
HR2-904-11 StockOptions Citric Acid #11 pH 3.2
HR2-904-12 StockOptions Citric Acid #12 pH 3.3
HR2-904-13 StockOptions Citric Acid #13 pH 3.4
HR2-904-14 StockOptions Citric Acid #14 pH 3.5
HR2-904-15 StockOptions Citric Acid #15 pH 3.6
HR2-904-16 StockOptions Citric Acid #16 pH 3.7
HR2-904-17 StockOptions Citric Acid #17 pH 3.8
HR2-904-18 StockOptions Citric Acid #18 pH 3.9
HR2-904-19 StockOptions Citric Acid #19 pH 4.0
HR2-904-20 StockOptions Citric Acid #20 pH 4.1
HR2-904-21 StockOptions Citric Acid #21 pH 4.2
HR2-904-22 StockOptions Citric Acid #22 pH 4.3
HR2-904-23 StockOptions Citric Acid #23 pH 4.4
HR2-904-24 StockOptions Citric Acid #24 pH 4.5
HR2-904-25 StockOptions Citric Acid #25 pH 4.6
HR2-904-26 StockOptions Citric Acid #26 pH 4.7
HR2-904-27 StockOptions Citric Acid #27 pH 4.8
HR2-904-28 StockOptions Citric Acid #28 pH 4.9
HR2-904-29 StockOptions Citric Acid #29 pH 5.0
HR2-904-30 StockOptions Citric Acid #30 pH 5.1
HR2-904-31 StockOptions Citric Acid #31 pH 5.2
HR2-904-32 StockOptions Citric Acid #32 pH 5.3
HR2-904-33 StockOptions Citric Acid #33 pH 5.4
HR2-904-34 StockOptions Citric Acid #34 pH 5.5
HR2-904-35 StockOptions Citric Acid #35 pH 5.6
HR2-904-36 StockOptions Citric Acid #36 pH 5.7
HR2-904-37 StockOptions Citric Acid #37 pH 5.8
HR2-904-38 StockOptions Citric Acid #38 pH 5.9
HR2-904-39 StockOptions Citric Acid #39 pH 6.0
HR2-904-40 StockOptions Citric Acid #40 pH 6.1
HR2-904-41 StockOptions Citric Acid #41 pH 6.2
HR2-904-42 StockOptions Citric Acid #42 pH 6.3
HR2-904-43 StockOptions Citric Acid #43 pH 6.4
HR2-904-44 StockOptions Citric Acid #44 pH 6.5
HR2-906-01 StockOptions Bis-Tris #01 pH 5.5
HR2-906-02 StockOptions Bis-Tris #02 pH 5.6
HR2-906-03 StockOptions Bis-Tris #03 pH 5.7
HR2-906-04 StockOptions Bis-Tris #04 pH 5.8
HR2-906-05 StockOptions Bis-Tris #05 pH 5.9
HR2-906-06 StockOptions Bis-Tris #06 pH 6.0
HR2-906-07 StockOptions Bis-Tris #07 pH 6.1
HR2-906-08 StockOptions Bis-Tris #08 pH 6.2
HR2-906-09 StockOptions Bis-Tris #09 pH 6.3
HR2-906-10 StockOptions Bis-Tris #10 pH 6.4
HR2-906-11 StockOptions Bis-Tris #11 pH 6.5
HR2-906-12 StockOptions Bis-Tris #12 pH 6.6
HR2-906-13 StockOptions Bis-Tris #13 pH 6.7
HR2-906-14 StockOptions Bis-Tris #14 pH 6.8
HR2-906-15 StockOptions Bis-Tris #15 pH 6.9
HR2-906-16 StockOptions Bis-Tris #16 pH 7.0
HR2-906-17 StockOptions Bis-Tris #17 pH 7.1
HR2-906-18 StockOptions Bis-Tris #18 pH 7.2
HR2-906-19 StockOptions Bis-Tris #19 pH 7.3
HR2-906-20 StockOptions Bis-Tris #20 pH 7.4
HR2-906-21 StockOptions Bis-Tris #21 pH 7.5
HR2-906-24 StockOptions Bis-Tris #24 pH 7.8
HR2-907-01 SaltRx 1 #01
HR2-907-02 SaltRx 1 #02
HR2-907-03 SaltRx 1 #03
HR2-907-04 SaltRx 1 #04
HR2-907-05 SaltRx 1 #05
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HR2-907-07 SaltRx 1 #07
HR2-907-08 SaltRx 1 #08
HR2-907-09 SaltRx 1 #09
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HR2-907-14 SaltRx 1 #14
HR2-907-15 SaltRx 1 #15
HR2-907-16 SaltRx 1 #16
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HR2-907-19 SaltRx 1 #19
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HR2-907-29 SaltRx 1 #29
HR2-907-30 SaltRx 1 #30
HR2-907-31 SaltRx 1 #31
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HR2-907-33 SaltRx 1 #33
HR2-907-34 SaltRx 1 #34
HR2-907-35 SaltRx 1 #35
HR2-907-36 SaltRx 1 #36
HR2-907-37 SaltRx 1 #37
HR2-907-38 SaltRx 1 #38
HR2-907-39 SaltRx 1 #39
HR2-907-40 SaltRx 1 #40
HR2-907-41 SaltRx 1 #41
HR2-907-42 SaltRx 1 #42
HR2-907-43 SaltRx 1 #43
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HR2-907-45 SaltRx 1 #45
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HR2-907-48 SaltRx 1 #48
HR2-908-01 SaltRx #01
HR2-908-02 SaltRx #02
HR2-908-03 SaltRx #03
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HR2-908-07 SaltRx #07
HR2-908-08 SaltRx #08
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HR2-908-10 SaltRx #10
HR2-908-11 SaltRx #11
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HR2-908-21 SaltRx #21
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HR2-908-23 SaltRx #23
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HR2-908-29 SaltRx #29
HR2-908-30 SaltRx #30
HR2-908-31 SaltRx #31
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HR2-908-36 SaltRx #36
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HR2-908-39 SaltRx #39
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HR2-918-33 Natrix #33
HR2-918-34 Natrix #34
HR2-918-35 Natrix #35
HR2-918-36 Natrix #36
HR2-918-37 Natrix #37
HR2-918-38 Natrix #38
HR2-918-39 Natrix #39
HR2-918-40 Natrix #40
HR2-918-41 Natrix #41
HR2-918-42 Natrix #42
HR2-918-43 Natrix #43
HR2-918-44 Natrix #44
HR2-918-45 Natrix #45
HR2-918-46 Natrix #46
HR2-918-47 Natrix #47
HR2-918-48 Natrix #48
HR2-920-01 MembFac #01
HR2-920-02 MembFac #02
HR2-920-03 MembFac #03
HR2-920-04 MembFac #04
HR2-920-05 MembFac #05
HR2-920-06 MembFac #06
HR2-920-07 MembFac #07
HR2-920-08 MembFac #08
HR2-920-09 MembFac #09
HR2-920-10 MembFac #10
HR2-920-11 MembFac #11
HR2-920-12 MembFac #12
HR2-920-13 MembFac #13
HR2-920-14 MembFac #14
HR2-920-15 MembFac #15
HR2-920-16 MembFac #16
HR2-920-17 MembFac #17
HR2-920-18 MembFac #18
HR2-920-19 MembFac #19
HR2-920-20 MembFac #20
HR2-920-21 MembFac #21
HR2-920-22 MembFac #22
HR2-920-23 MembFac #23
HR2-920-24 MembFac #24
HR2-920-25 MembFac #25
HR2-920-26 MembFac #26
HR2-920-27 MembFac #27
HR2-920-28 MembFac #28
HR2-920-29 MembFac #29
HR2-920-30 MembFac #30
HR2-920-31 MembFac #31
HR2-920-32 MembFac #32
HR2-920-33 MembFac #33
HR2-920-34 MembFac #34
HR2-920-35 MembFac #35
HR2-920-36 MembFac #36
HR2-920-37 MembFac #37
HR2-920-38 MembFac #38
HR2-920-39 MembFac #39
HR2-920-40 MembFac #40
HR2-920-41 MembFac #41
HR2-920-42 MembFac #42
HR2-920-43 MembFac #43
HR2-920-44 MembFac #44
HR2-920-45 MembFac #45
HR2-920-46 MembFac #46
HR2-920-47 MembFac #47
HR2-920-48 MembFac #48
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HR2-921-A2 Quik Screen #A2
HR2-921-A3 Quik Screen #A3
HR2-921-A4 Quik Screen #A4
HR2-921-A5 Quik Screen #A5
HR2-921-A6 Quik Screen #A6
HR2-921-B1 Quik Screen #B1
HR2-921-B2 Quik Screen #B2
HR2-921-B3 Quik Screen #B3
HR2-921-B4 Quik Screen #B4
HR2-921-B5 Quik Screen #B5
HR2-921-B6 Quik Screen #B6
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HR2-921-C2 Quik Screen #C2
HR2-921-C3 Quik Screen #C3
HR2-921-C4 Quik Screen #C4
HR2-921-C5 Quik Screen #C5
HR2-921-C6 Quik Screen #C6
HR2-921-D1 Quik Screen #D1
HR2-921-D2 Quik Screen #D2
HR2-921-D3 Quik Screen #D3
HR2-921-D4 Quik Screen #D4
HR2-921-D5 Quik Screen #D5
HR2-921-D6 Quik Screen #D6
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HR2-922-02 PEG/Ion Screen #02
HR2-922-03 PEG/Ion Screen #03
HR2-922-04 PEG/Ion Screen #04
HR2-922-05 PEG/Ion Screen #05
HR2-922-06 PEG/Ion Screen #06
HR2-922-07 PEG/Ion Screen #07
HR2-922-08 PEG/Ion Screen #08
HR2-922-09 PEG/Ion Screen #09
HR2-922-10 PEG/Ion Screen #10
HR2-922-11 PEG/Ion Screen #11
HR2-922-12 PEG/Ion Screen #12
HR2-922-13 PEG/Ion Screen #13
HR2-922-14 PEG/Ion Screen #14
HR2-922-15 PEG/Ion Screen #15
HR2-922-16 PEG/Ion Screen #16
HR2-922-17 PEG/Ion Screen #17
HR2-922-18 PEG/Ion Screen #18
HR2-922-19 PEG/Ion Screen #19
HR2-922-20 PEG/Ion Screen #20
HR2-922-21 PEG/Ion Screen #21
HR2-922-22 PEG/Ion Screen #22
HR2-922-23 PEG/Ion Screen #23
HR2-922-24 PEG/Ion Screen #24
HR2-922-25 PEG/Ion Screen #25
HR2-922-26 PEG/Ion Screen #26
HR2-922-27 PEG/Ion Screen #27
HR2-922-28 PEG/Ion Screen #28
HR2-922-29 PEG/Ion Screen #29
HR2-922-30 PEG/Ion Screen #30
HR2-922-31 PEG/Ion Screen #31
HR2-922-32 PEG/Ion Screen #32
HR2-922-33 PEG/Ion Screen #33
HR2-922-34 PEG/Ion Screen #34
HR2-922-35 PEG/Ion Screen #35
HR2-922-36 PEG/Ion Screen #36
HR2-922-37 PEG/Ion Screen #37
HR2-922-38 PEG/Ion Screen #38
HR2-922-39 PEG/Ion Screen #39
HR2-922-40 PEG/Ion Screen #40
HR2-922-41 PEG/Ion Screen #41
HR2-922-42 PEG/Ion Screen #42
HR2-922-43 PEG/Ion Screen #43
HR2-922-44 PEG/Ion Screen #44
HR2-922-45 PEG/Ion Screen #45
HR2-922-46 PEG/Ion Screen #46
HR2-922-47 PEG/Ion Screen #47
HR2-922-48 PEG/Ion Screen #48
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HR2-924-A2 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #A2
HR2-924-A3 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #A3
HR2-924-A4 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #A4
HR2-924-A5 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #A5
HR2-924-A6 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #A6
HR2-924-B1 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #B1
HR2-924-B2 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #B2
HR2-924-B3 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #B3
HR2-924-B4 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #B4
HR2-924-B5 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #B5
HR2-924-B6 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #B6
HR2-924-C1 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #C1
HR2-924-C2 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #C2
HR2-924-C3 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #C3
HR2-924-C4 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #C4
HR2-924-C5 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #C5
HR2-924-C6 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #C6
HR2-924-D1 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #D1
HR2-924-D2 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #D2
HR2-924-D3 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #D3
HR2-924-D4 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #D4
HR2-924-D5 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #D5
HR2-924-D6 Grid Screen Ammonium Sulfate #D6
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HR2-926-A2 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #A2
HR2-926-A3 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #A3
HR2-926-A4 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #A4
HR2-926-A5 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #A5
HR2-926-A6 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #A6
HR2-926-B1 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #B1
HR2-926-B2 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #B2
HR2-926-B3 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #B3
HR2-926-B4 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #B4
HR2-926-B5 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #B5
HR2-926-B6 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #B6
HR2-926-C1 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #C1
HR2-926-C2 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #C2
HR2-926-C3 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #C3
HR2-926-C4 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #C4
HR2-926-C5 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #C5
HR2-926-C6 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #C6
HR2-926-D1 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #D1
HR2-926-D2 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #D2
HR2-926-D3 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #D3
HR2-926-D4 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #D4
HR2-926-D5 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #D5
HR2-926-D6 Grid Screen PEG 6000 #D6
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HR2-928-A2 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #A2
HR2-928-A3 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #A3
HR2-928-A4 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #A4
HR2-928-A5 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #A5
HR2-928-A6 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #A6
HR2-928-B1 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #B1
HR2-928-B2 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #B2
HR2-928-B3 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #B3
HR2-928-B4 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #B4
HR2-928-B5 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #B5
HR2-928-B6 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #B6
HR2-928-C1 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #C1
HR2-928-C2 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #C2
HR2-928-C3 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #C3
HR2-928-C4 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #C4
HR2-928-C5 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #C5
HR2-928-C6 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #C6
HR2-928-D1 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #D1
HR2-928-D2 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #D2
HR2-928-D3 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #D3
HR2-928-D4 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #D4
HR2-928-D5 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #D5
HR2-928-D6 Grid Screen PEG/LiCl #D6
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HR2-930-A2 Grid Screen MPD #A2
HR2-930-A3 Grid Screen MPD #A3
HR2-930-A4 Grid Screen MPD #A4
HR2-930-A5 Grid Screen MPD #A5
HR2-930-A6 Grid Screen MPD #A6
HR2-930-B1 Grid Screen MPD #B1
HR2-930-B2 Grid Screen MPD #B2
HR2-930-B3 Grid Screen MPD #B3
HR2-930-B4 Grid Screen MPD #B4
HR2-930-B5 Grid Screen MPD #B5
HR2-930-B6 Grid Screen MPD #B6
HR2-930-C1 Grid Screen MPD #C1
HR2-930-C2 Grid Screen MPD #C2
HR2-930-C3 Grid Screen MPD #C3
HR2-930-C4 Grid Screen MPD #C4
HR2-930-C5 Grid Screen MPD #C5
HR2-930-C6 Grid Screen MPD #C6
HR2-930-D1 Grid Screen MPD #D1
HR2-930-D2 Grid Screen MPD #D2
HR2-930-D3 Grid Screen MPD #D3
HR2-930-D4 Grid Screen MPD #D4
HR2-930-D5 Grid Screen MPD #D5
HR2-930-D6 Grid Screen MPD #D6
HR2-931-01 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #01 pH 6.8
HR2-931-02 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #02 pH 6.9
HR2-931-03 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #03 pH 7.0
HR2-931-04 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #04 pH 7.1
HR2-931-05 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #05 pH 7.2
HR2-931-06 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #06 pH 7.3
HR2-931-07 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #07 pH 7.4
HR2-931-08 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #08 pH 7.5
HR2-931-09 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #09 pH 7.6
HR2-931-10 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #10 pH 7.7
HR2-931-11 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #11 pH 7.8
HR2-931-12 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #12 pH 7.9
HR2-931-13 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #13 pH 8.0
HR2-931-14 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #14 pH 8.1
HR2-931-15 StockOptions Sodium HEPES #15 pH 8.2
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HR2-932-A2 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #A2
HR2-932-A3 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #A3
HR2-932-A4 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #A4
HR2-932-A5 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #A5
HR2-932-A6 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #A6
HR2-932-B1 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #B1
HR2-932-B2 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #B2
HR2-932-B3 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #B3
HR2-932-B4 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #B4
HR2-932-B5 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #B5
HR2-932-B6 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #B6
HR2-932-C1 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #C1
HR2-932-C2 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #C2
HR2-932-C3 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #C3
HR2-932-C4 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #C4
HR2-932-C5 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #C5
HR2-932-C6 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #C6
HR2-932-D1 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #D1
HR2-932-D2 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #D2
HR2-932-D3 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #D3
HR2-932-D4 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #D4
HR2-932-D5 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #D5
HR2-932-D6 Grid Screen Sodium Chloride #D6
HR2-933-01 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #01 pH 3.6
HR2-933-02 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #02 pH 3.7
HR2-933-03 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #03 pH 3.8
HR2-933-04 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #04 pH 3.9
HR2-933-05 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #05 pH 4.0
HR2-933-06 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #06 pH 4.1
HR2-933-07 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #07 pH 4.2
HR2-933-08 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #08 pH 4.3
HR2-933-09 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #09 pH 4.4
HR2-933-10 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #10 pH 4.5
HR2-933-11 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #11 pH 4.6
HR2-933-12 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #12 pH 4.7
HR2-933-13 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #13 pH 4.8
HR2-933-14 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #14 pH 4.9
HR2-933-15 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #15 pH 5.0
HR2-933-16 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #16 pH 5.1
HR2-933-17 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #17 pH 5.2
HR2-933-18 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #18 pH 5.3
HR2-933-19 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #19 pH 5.4
HR2-933-20 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #20 pH 5.5
HR2-933-21 StockOptions Sodium Acetate #21 pH 5.6
HR2-935-01 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #01 pH 4.2
HR2-935-02 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #02 pH 4.3
HR2-935-03 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #03 pH 4.4
HR2-935-04 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #04 pH 4.5
HR2-935-05 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #05 pH 4.6
HR2-935-06 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #06 pH 4.7
HR2-935-07 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #07 pH 4.8
HR2-935-08 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #08 pH 4.9
HR2-935-09 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #09 pH 5.0
HR2-935-10 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #10 pH 5.1
HR2-935-11 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #11 pH 5.2
HR2-935-12 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #12 pH 5.3
HR2-935-13 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #13 pH 5.4
HR2-935-14 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #14 pH 5.5
HR2-935-15 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #15 pH 5.6
HR2-935-16 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #16 pH 5.7
HR2-935-17 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #17 pH 5.8
HR2-935-18 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #18 pH 5.9
HR2-935-19 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #19 pH 6.0
HR2-935-20 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #20 pH 6.1
HR2-935-21 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #21 pH 6.2
HR2-935-22 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #22 pH 6.3
HR2-935-23 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #23 pH 6.4
HR2-935-24 StockOptions Sodium Citrate #24 pH 6.5
HR2-937-01 StockOptions Tris HCl #01 pH 7.0
HR2-937-02 StockOptions Tris HCl #02 pH 7.1
HR2-937-03 StockOptions Tris HCl #03 pH 7.2
HR2-937-04 StockOptions Tris HCl #04 pH 7.3
HR2-937-05 StockOptions Tris HCl #05 pH 7.4
HR2-937-06 StockOptions Tris HCl #06 pH 7.5
HR2-937-07 StockOptions Tris HCl #07 pH 7.6
HR2-937-08 StockOptions Tris HCl #08 pH 7.7
HR2-937-09 StockOptions Tris HCl #09 pH 7.8
HR2-937-10 StockOptions Tris HCl #10 pH 7.9
HR2-937-11 StockOptions Tris HCl #11 pH 8.0
HR2-937-12 StockOptions Tris HCl #12 pH 8.1
HR2-937-13 StockOptions Tris HCl #13 pH 8.2
HR2-937-14 StockOptions Tris HCl #14 pH 8.3
HR2-937-15 StockOptions Tris HCl #15 pH 8.4
HR2-937-16 StockOptions Tris HCl #16 pH 8.5
HR2-937-17 StockOptions Tris HCl #17 pH 8.6
HR2-937-18 StockOptions Tris HCl #18 pH 8.7
HR2-937-19 StockOptions Tris HCl #19 pH 8.8
HR2-937-20 StockOptions Tris HCl #20 pH 8.9
HR2-937-21 StockOptions Tris HCl #21 pH 9.0
HR2-939-01 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #01 pH 5.1
HR2-939-02 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #02 pH 5.2
HR2-939-03 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #03 pH 5.3
HR2-939-04 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #04 pH 5.4
HR2-939-05 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #05 pH 5.5
HR2-939-06 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #06 pH 5.6
HR2-939-07 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #07 pH 5.7
HR2-939-08 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #08 pH 5.8
HR2-939-09 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #09 pH 5.9
HR2-939-10 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #10 pH 6.0
HR2-939-11 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #11 pH 6.1
HR2-939-12 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #12 pH 6.2
HR2-939-13 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #13 pH 6.3
HR2-939-14 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #14 pH 6.4
HR2-939-15 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #15 pH 6.5
HR2-939-16 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #16 pH 6.6
HR2-939-17 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #17 pH 6.7
HR2-939-18 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #18 pH 6.8
HR2-939-19 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #19 pH 6.9
HR2-939-20 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #20 pH 7.0
HR2-939-21 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #21 pH 7.1
HR2-939-22 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #22 pH 7.2
HR2-939-23 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #23 pH 7.3
HR2-939-24 StockOptions Sodium Cacodylate #24 pH 7.4
HR2-940-A1 PCT #A1
HR2-940-A2 PCT #A2
HR2-940-B1 PCT #B1
HR2-940-B2 PCT #B2
HR2-941-01 StockOptions pH Screen #01 pH 2.2
HR2-941-02 StockOptions pH Screen #02 pH 2.4
HR2-941-03 StockOptions pH Screen #03 pH 2.6
HR2-941-04 StockOptions pH Screen #04 pH 2.8
HR2-941-05 StockOptions pH Screen #05 pH 3.0
HR2-941-06 StockOptions pH Screen #06 pH 3.2
HR2-941-07 StockOptions pH Screen #07 pH 3.4
HR2-941-08 StockOptions pH Screen #08 pH 3.6
HR2-941-09 StockOptions pH Screen #09 pH 3.8
HR2-941-10 StockOptions pH Screen #10 pH 4.0
HR2-941-11 StockOptions pH Screen #11 pH 4.2
HR2-941-12 StockOptions pH Screen #12 pH 4.4
HR2-941-13 StockOptions pH Screen #13 pH 4.6
HR2-941-14 StockOptions pH Screen #14 pH 4.8
HR2-941-15 StockOptions pH Screen #15 pH 5.0
HR2-941-16 StockOptions pH Screen #16 pH 5.2
HR2-941-17 StockOptions pH Screen #17 pH 5.4
HR2-941-18 StockOptions pH Screen #18 pH 5.6
HR2-941-19 StockOptions pH Screen #19 pH 5.8
HR2-941-20 StockOptions pH Screen #20 pH 6.0
HR2-941-21 StockOptions pH Screen #21 pH 6.2
HR2-941-22 StockOptions pH Screen #22 pH 6.4
HR2-941-23 StockOptions pH Screen #23 pH 6.6
HR2-941-24 StockOptions pH Screen #24 pH 6.8
HR2-941-25 StockOptions pH Screen #25 pH 7.0
HR2-941-26 StockOptions pH Screen #26 pH 7.2
HR2-941-27 StockOptions pH Screen #27 pH 7.4
HR2-941-28 StockOptions pH Screen #28 pH 7.6
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HR2-941-31 StockOptions pH Screen #31 pH 8.2
HR2-941-32 StockOptions pH Screen #32 pH 8.4
HR2-941-33 StockOptions pH Screen #33 pH 8.6
HR2-941-34 StockOptions pH Screen #34 pH 8.8
HR2-941-35 StockOptions pH Screen #35 pH 9.0
HR2-941-36 StockOptions pH Screen #36 pH 9.2
HR2-941-37 StockOptions pH Screen #37 pH 9.4
HR2-941-38 StockOptions pH Screen #38 pH 9.6
HR2-941-39 StockOptions pH Screen #39 pH 9.8
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HR2-941-41 StockOptions pH Screen #41 pH 10.2
HR2-941-42 StockOptions pH Screen #42 pH 10.4
HR2-941-43 StockOptions pH Screen #43 pH 10.6
HR2-941-44 StockOptions pH Screen #44 pH 10.8
HR2-941-45 StockOptions pH Screen #45 pH 11.0
HR2-943-01 StockOptions MES #01 pH 5.2
HR2-943-02 StockOptions MES #02 pH 5.3
HR2-943-03 StockOptions MES #03 pH 5.4
HR2-943-04 StockOptions MES #04 pH 5.5
HR2-943-05 StockOptions MES #05 pH 5.6
HR2-943-06 StockOptions MES #06 pH 5.7
HR2-943-07 StockOptions MES #07 pH 5.8
HR2-943-08 StockOptions MES #08 pH 5.9
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HR2-943-10 StockOptions MES #10 pH 6.1
HR2-943-11 StockOptions MES #11 pH 6.2
HR2-943-12 StockOptions MES #12 pH 6.3
HR2-943-13 StockOptions MES #13 pH 6.4
HR2-943-14 StockOptions MES #14 pH 6.5
HR2-943-15 StockOptions MES #15 pH 6.6
HR2-943-16 StockOptions MES #16 pH 6.7
HR2-943-17 StockOptions MES #17 pH 6.8
HR2-943-18 StockOptions MES #18 pH 6.9
HR2-943-19 StockOptions MES #19 pH 7.0
HR2-943-20 StockOptions MES #20 pH 7.1
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HR2-944-02 Index #02
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HR2-944-37 Index #37
HR2-944-38 Index #38
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HR2-947-A1 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #A1
HR2-947-A2 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #A2
HR2-947-A3 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #A3
HR2-947-A4 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #A4
HR2-947-A5 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #A5
HR2-947-A6 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #A6
HR2-947-B1 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #B1
HR2-947-B2 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #B2
HR2-947-B3 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #B3
HR2-947-B4 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #B4
HR2-947-B5 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #B5
HR2-947-B6 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #B6
HR2-947-C1 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #C1
HR2-947-C2 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #C2
HR2-947-C3 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #C3
HR2-947-C4 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #C4
HR2-947-C5 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #C5
HR2-947-C6 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #C6
HR2-947-D1 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #D1
HR2-947-D2 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #D2
HR2-947-D3 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #D3
HR2-947-D4 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #D4
HR2-947-D5 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #D5
HR2-947-D6 Grid Screen Sodium Malonate #D6
HR2-982-01 PEGRx 1 #01
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HR2-984-01 PEGRx 2 #01
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HR2-988-01 Silver Bullets Bio #01 (A1)
HR2-988-02 Silver Bullets Bio #02 (A2)
HR2-988-03 Silver Bullets Bio #03 (A3)
HR2-988-04 Silver Bullets Bio #04 (A4)
HR2-988-05 Silver Bullets Bio #05 (A5)
HR2-988-06 Silver Bullets Bio #06 (A6)
HR2-988-07 Silver Bullets Bio #07 (A7)
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HR2-988-09 Silver Bullets Bio #09 (A9)
HR2-988-10 Silver Bullets Bio #10 (A10)
HR2-988-11 Silver Bullets Bio #11 (A11)
HR2-988-12 Silver Bullets Bio #12 (A12)
HR2-988-13 Silver Bullets Bio #13 (B1)
HR2-988-14 Silver Bullets Bio #14 (B2)
HR2-988-15 Silver Bullets Bio #15 (B3)
HR2-988-16 Silver Bullets Bio #16 (B4)
HR2-988-17 Silver Bullets Bio #17 (B5)
HR2-988-18 Silver Bullets Bio #18 (B6)
HR2-988-19 Silver Bullets Bio #19 (B7)
HR2-988-20 Silver Bullets Bio #20 (B8)
HR2-988-21 Silver Bullets Bio #21 (B9)
HR2-988-22 Silver Bullets Bio #22 (B10)
HR2-988-23 Silver Bullets Bio #23 (B11)
HR2-988-24 Silver Bullets Bio #24 (B12)
HR2-988-25 Silver Bullets Bio #25 (C1)
HR2-988-26 Silver Bullets Bio #26 (C2)
HR2-988-27 Silver Bullets Bio #27 (C3)
HR2-988-28 Silver Bullets Bio #28 (C4)
HR2-988-29 Silver Bullets Bio #29 (C5)
HR2-988-30 Silver Bullets Bio #30 (C6)
HR2-988-31 Silver Bullets Bio #31 (C7)
HR2-988-32 Silver Bullets Bio #32 (C8)
HR2-988-33 Silver Bullets Bio #33 (C9)
HR2-988-34 Silver Bullets Bio #34 (C10)
HR2-988-35 Silver Bullets Bio #35 (C11)
HR2-988-36 Silver Bullets Bio #36 (C12)
HR2-988-37 Silver Bullets Bio #37 (D1)
HR2-988-38 Silver Bullets Bio #38 (D2)
HR2-988-39 Silver Bullets Bio #39 (D3)
HR2-988-40 Silver Bullets Bio #40 (D4)
HR2-988-41 Silver Bullets Bio #41 (D5)
HR2-988-42 Silver Bullets Bio #42 (D6)
HR2-988-43 Silver Bullets Bio #43 (D7)
HR2-988-44 Silver Bullets Bio #44 (D8)
HR2-988-45 Silver Bullets Bio #45 (D9)
HR2-988-46 Silver Bullets Bio #46 (D10)
HR2-988-47 Silver Bullets Bio #47 (D11)
HR2-988-48 Silver Bullets Bio #48 (D12)
HR2-988-49 Silver Bullets Bio #49 (E1)
HR2-988-50 Silver Bullets Bio #50 (E2)
HR2-988-51 Silver Bullets Bio #51 (E3)
HR2-988-52 Silver Bullets Bio #52 (E4)
HR2-988-53 Silver Bullets Bio #53 (E5)
HR2-988-54 Silver Bullets Bio #54 (E6)
HR2-988-55 Silver Bullets Bio #55 (E7)
HR2-988-56 Silver Bullets Bio #56 (E8)
HR2-988-57 Silver Bullets Bio #57 (E9)
HR2-988-58 Silver Bullets Bio #58 (E10)
HR2-988-59 Silver Bullets Bio #59 (E11)
HR2-988-60 Silver Bullets Bio #60 (E12)
HR2-988-61 Silver Bullets Bio #61 (F1)
HR2-988-62 Silver Bullets Bio #62 (F2)
HR2-988-63 Silver Bullets Bio #63 (F3)
HR2-988-64 Silver Bullets Bio #64 (F4)
HR2-988-65 Silver Bullets Bio #65 (F5)
HR2-988-66 Silver Bullets Bio #66 (F6)
HR2-988-67 Silver Bullets Bio #67 (F7)
HR2-988-68 Silver Bullets Bio #68 (F8)
HR2-988-69 Silver Bullets Bio #69 (F9)
HR2-988-70 Silver Bullets Bio #70 (F10)
HR2-988-71 Silver Bullets Bio #71 (F11)
HR2-988-72 Silver Bullets Bio #72 (F12)
HR2-988-73 Silver Bullets Bio #73 (G1)
HR2-988-74 Silver Bullets Bio #74 (G2)
HR2-988-75 Silver Bullets Bio #75 (G3)
HR2-988-76 Silver Bullets Bio #76 (G4)
HR2-988-77 Silver Bullets Bio #77 (G5)
HR2-988-78 Silver Bullets Bio #78 (G6)
HR2-988-79 Silver Bullets Bio #79 (G7)
HR2-988-80 Silver Bullets Bio #80 (G8)
HR2-988-81 Silver Bullets Bio #81 (G9)
HR2-988-82 Silver Bullets Bio #82 (G10)
HR2-988-83 Silver Bullets Bio #83 (G11)
HR2-988-84 Silver Bullets Bio #84 (G12)
HR2-988-85 Silver Bullets Bio #85 (H1)
HR2-988-86 Silver Bullets Bio #86 (H2)
HR2-988-87 Silver Bullets Bio #87 (H3)
HR2-988-88 Silver Bullets Bio #88 (H4)
HR2-988-89 Silver Bullets Bio #89 (H5)
HR2-988-90 Silver Bullets Bio #90 (H6)
HR2-988-91 Silver Bullets Bio #91 (H7)
HR2-988-92 Silver Bullets Bio #92 (H8)
HR2-988-93 Silver Bullets Bio #93 (H9)
HR2-988-94 Silver Bullets Bio #94 (H10)
HR2-988-95 Silver Bullets Bio #95 (H11)
HR2-988-96 Silver Bullets Bio #96 (H12)
HR2-993-01 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #01 pH 6.3
HR2-993-02 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #02 pH 6.4
HR2-993-03 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #03 pH 6.5
HR2-993-04 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #04 pH 6.6
HR2-993-05 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #05 pH 6.7
HR2-993-06 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #06 pH 6.8
HR2-993-07 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #07 pH 6.9
HR2-993-08 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #08 pH 7.0
HR2-993-09 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #09 pH 7.1
HR2-993-10 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #10 pH 7.2
HR2-993-11 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #11 pH 7.3
HR2-993-12 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #12 pH 7.4
HR2-993-13 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #13 pH 7.5
HR2-993-14 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #14 pH 7.6
HR2-993-15 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #15 pH 7.7
HR2-993-16 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #16 pH 7.8
HR2-993-17 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #17 pH 7.9
HR2-993-18 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #18 pH 8.0
HR2-993-19 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #19 pH 8.1
HR2-993-20 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #20 pH 8.2
HR2-993-21 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #21 pH 8.3
HR2-993-22 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #22 pH 8.4
HR2-993-23 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #23 pH 8.5
HR2-993-24 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #24 pH 8.6
HR2-993-25 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #25 pH 8.7
HR2-993-26 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #26 pH 8.8
HR2-993-27 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #27 pH 8.9
HR2-993-28 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #28 pH 9.0
HR2-993-29 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #29 pH 9.1
HR2-993-30 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #30 pH 9.2
HR2-993-31 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #31 pH 9.3
HR2-993-32 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #32 pH 9.4
HR2-993-33 StockOptions Bis-Tris Propane #33 pH 9.5
HR2-995-01 StockOptions Imidazole #01 pH 6.2
HR2-995-02 StockOptions Imidazole #02 pH 6.3
HR2-995-03 StockOptions Imidazole #03 pH 6.4
HR2-995-04 StockOptions Imidazole #04 pH 6.5
HR2-995-05 StockOptions Imidazole #05 pH 6.6
HR2-995-06 StockOptions Imidazole #06 pH 6.7
HR2-995-07 StockOptions Imidazole #07 pH 6.8
HR2-995-08 StockOptions Imidazole #08 pH 6.9
HR2-995-09 StockOptions Imidazole #09 pH 7.0
HR2-995-10 StockOptions Imidazole #10 pH 7.1
HR2-995-11 StockOptions Imidazole #11 pH 7.2
HR2-995-12 StockOptions Imidazole #12 pH 7.3
HR2-995-13 StockOptions Imidazole #13 pH 7.4
HR2-995-14 StockOptions Imidazole #14 pH 7.5
HR2-995-15 StockOptions Imidazole #15 pH 7.6
HR2-995-16 StockOptions Imidazole #16 pH 7.7
HR2-995-17 StockOptions Imidazole #17 pH 7.8
HR2-996-01 Silver Bullets Reagent #01 (A1)
HR2-996-02 Silver Bullets Reagent #02 (A2)
HR2-996-03 Silver Bullets Reagent #03 (A3)
HR2-996-04 Silver Bullets Reagent #04 (A4)
HR2-996-05 Silver Bullets Reagent #05 (A5)
HR2-996-06 Silver Bullets Reagent #06 (A6)
HR2-996-07 Silver Bullets Reagent #07 (A7)
HR2-996-08 Silver Bullets Reagent #08 (A8)
HR2-996-09 Silver Bullets Reagent #09 (A9)
HR2-996-10 Silver Bullets Reagent #10 (A10)
HR2-996-11 Silver Bullets Reagent #11 (A11)
HR2-996-12 Silver Bullets Reagent #12 (A12)
HR2-996-13 Silver Bullets Reagent #13 (B1)
HR2-996-14 Silver Bullets Reagent #14 (B2)
HR2-996-15 Silver Bullets Reagent #15 (B3)
HR2-996-16 Silver Bullets Reagent #16 (B4)
HR2-996-17 Silver Bullets Reagent #17 (B5)
HR2-996-18 Silver Bullets Reagent #18 (B6)
HR2-996-19 Silver Bullets Reagent #19 (B7)
HR2-996-20 Silver Bullets Reagent #20 (B8)
HR2-996-21 Silver Bullets Reagent #21 (B9)
HR2-996-22 Silver Bullets Reagent #22 (B10)
HR2-996-23 Silver Bullets Reagent #23 (B11)
HR2-996-24 Silver Bullets Reagent #24 (B12)
HR2-996-25 Silver Bullets Reagent #25 (C1)
HR2-996-26 Silver Bullets Reagent #26 (C2)
HR2-996-27 Silver Bullets Reagent #27 (C3)
HR2-996-28 Silver Bullets Reagent #28 (C4)
HR2-996-29 Silver Bullets Reagent #29 (C5)
HR2-996-30 Silver Bullets Reagent #30 (C6)
HR2-996-31 Silver Bullets Reagent #31 (C7)
HR2-996-32 Silver Bullets Reagent #32 (C8)
HR2-996-33 Silver Bullets Reagent #33 (C9)
HR2-996-34 Silver Bullets Reagent #34 (C10)
HR2-996-35 Silver Bullets Reagent #35 (C11)
HR2-996-36 Silver Bullets Reagent #36 (C12)
HR2-996-37 Silver Bullets Reagent #37 (D1)
HR2-996-38 Silver Bullets Reagent #38 (D2)
HR2-996-39 Silver Bullets Reagent #39 (D3)
HR2-996-40 Silver Bullets Reagent #40 (D4)
HR2-996-41 Silver Bullets Reagent #41 (D5)
HR2-996-42 Silver Bullets Reagent #42 (D6)
HR2-996-43 Silver Bullets Reagent #43 (D7)
HR2-996-44 Silver Bullets Reagent #44 (D8)
HR2-996-45 Silver Bullets Reagent #45 (D9)
HR2-996-46 Silver Bullets Reagent #46 (D10)
HR2-996-47 Silver Bullets Reagent #47 (D11)
HR2-996-48 Silver Bullets Reagent #48 (D12)
HR2-996-49 Silver Bullets Reagent #49 (E1)
HR2-996-50 Silver Bullets Reagent #50 (E2)
HR2-996-51 Silver Bullets Reagent #51 (E3)
HR2-996-52 Silver Bullets Reagent #52 (E4)
HR2-996-53 Silver Bullets Reagent #53 (E5)
HR2-996-54 Silver Bullets Reagent #54 (E6)
HR2-996-55 Silver Bullets Reagent #55 (E7)
HR2-996-56 Silver Bullets Reagent #56 (E8)
HR2-996-57 Silver Bullets Reagent #57 (E9)
HR2-996-58 Silver Bullets Reagent #58 (E10)
HR2-996-59 Silver Bullets Reagent #59 (E11)
HR2-996-60 Silver Bullets Reagent #60 (E12)
HR2-996-61 Silver Bullets Reagent #61 (F1)
HR2-996-62 Silver Bullets Reagent #62 (F2)
HR2-996-63 Silver Bullets Reagent #63 (F3)
HR2-996-64 Silver Bullets Reagent #64 (F4)
HR2-996-65 Silver Bullets Reagent #65 (F5)
HR2-996-66 Silver Bullets Reagent #66 (F6)
HR2-996-67 Silver Bullets Reagent #67 (F7)
HR2-996-68 Silver Bullets Reagent #68 (F8)
HR2-996-69 Silver Bullets Reagent #69 (F9)
HR2-996-70 Silver Bullets Reagent #70 (F10)
HR2-996-71 Silver Bullets Reagent #71 (F11)
HR2-996-72 Silver Bullets Reagent #72 (F12)
HR2-996-73 Silver Bullets Reagent #73 (G1)
HR2-996-74 Silver Bullets Reagent #74 (G2)
HR2-996-75 Silver Bullets Reagent #75 (G3)
HR2-996-76 Silver Bullets Reagent #76 (G4)
HR2-996-77 Silver Bullets Reagent #77 (G5)
HR2-996-78 Silver Bullets Reagent #78 (G6)
HR2-996-79 Silver Bullets Reagent #79 (G7)
HR2-996-80 Silver Bullets Reagent #80 (G8)
HR2-996-81 Silver Bullets Reagent #81 (G9)
HR2-996-82 Silver Bullets Reagent #82 (G10)
HR2-996-83 Silver Bullets Reagent #83 (G11)
HR2-996-84 Silver Bullets Reagent #84 (G12)
HR2-996-85 Silver Bullets Reagent #85 (H1)
HR2-996-86 Silver Bullets Reagent #86 (H2)
HR2-996-87 Silver Bullets Reagent #87 (H3)
HR2-996-88 Silver Bullets Reagent #88 (H4)
HR2-996-89 Silver Bullets Reagent #89 (H5)
HR2-996-90 Silver Bullets Reagent #90 (H6)
HR2-996-91 Silver Bullets Reagent #91 (H7)
HR2-996-92 Silver Bullets Reagent #92 (H8)
HR2-996-93 Silver Bullets Reagent #93 (H9)
HR2-996-94 Silver Bullets Reagent #94 (H10)
HR2-996-95 Silver Bullets Reagent #95 (H11)
HR2-996-96 Silver Bullets Reagent #96 (H12)
HR2-997-01 StockOptions ADA #01 pH 6.0
HR2-997-02 StockOptions ADA #02 pH 6.1
HR2-997-03 StockOptions ADA #03 pH 6.2
HR2-997-04 StockOptions ADA #04 pH 6.3
HR2-997-05 StockOptions ADA #05 pH 6.4
HR2-997-06 StockOptions ADA #06 pH 6.5
HR2-997-07 StockOptions ADA #07 pH 6.6
HR2-997-08 StockOptions ADA #08 pH 6.7
HR2-997-09 StockOptions ADA #09 pH 6.8
HR2-997-10 StockOptions ADA #10 pH 6.9
HR2-997-11 StockOptions ADA #11 pH 7.0
HR2-997-12 StockOptions ADA #12 pH 7.1
HR2-997-13 StockOptions ADA #13 pH 7.2
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HR2-998-02 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #02
HR2-998-03 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #03
HR2-998-04 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #04
HR2-998-05 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #05
HR2-998-06 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #06
HR2-998-07 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #07
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HR2-998-11 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #11
HR2-998-12 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #12
HR2-998-13 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #13
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HR2-998-15 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #15
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HR2-998-39 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #39
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HR2-998-44 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #44
HR2-998-45 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #45
HR2-998-46 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #46
HR2-998-47 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #47
HR2-998-48 PEG/Ion 2 Screen #48
HR2-999-01 StockOptions Bicine #01 pH 7.6
HR2-999-02 StockOptions Bicine #02 pH 7.7
HR2-999-03 StockOptions Bicine #03 pH 7.8
HR2-999-04 StockOptions Bicine #04 pH 7.9
HR2-999-05 StockOptions Bicine #05 pH 8.0
HR2-999-06 StockOptions Bicine #06 pH 8.1
HR2-999-07 StockOptions Bicine #07 pH 8.2
HR2-999-08 StockOptions Bicine #08 pH 8.3
HR2-999-09 StockOptions Bicine #09 pH 8.4
HR2-999-10 StockOptions Bicine #10 pH 8.5
HR2-999-11 StockOptions Bicine #11 pH 8.6
HR2-999-12 StockOptions Bicine #12 pH 8.7
HR2-999-13 StockOptions Bicine #13 pH 8.8
HR2-999-14 StockOptions Bicine #14 pH 8.9
HR2-999-15 StockOptions Bicine #15 pH 9.0
HR3-081 72 Well Microbatch Plate, untreated, hydrophobic, Greiner 654102
HR3-082 MRC 2 Well Crystallization Plate
HR3-083 MRC 2 Well Crystallization Plate
HR3-084 Plate Lid, Greiner 656190
HR3-085 Plate Lid, Greiner 656190
HR3-088 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 3 drop well, LBR, untreated, hydrophobic, Greiner 609801
HR3-089 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 3 drop well, LBR, untreated, hydrophobic, Greiner 609801
HR3-090 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 2 μl round drop well, 3 drop well, LBR, treated, Greiner 609820
HR3-091 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 2 μl round drop well, 3 drop well, LBR, treated, Greiner 609820
HR3-092G CrystalQuick Plus 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 1 drop well, LBR, hydrophobic, low profile, Greiner 609180
HR3-093G CrystalQuick Plus 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 1 drop well, LBR, hydrophobic, low profile, Greiner 609180
HR3-094G CrystalQuick Plus 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 3 drop well, LBR, hydrophobic, Greiner 609830
HR3-095G CrystalQuick Plus 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 3 drop well, LBR, hydrophobic, Greiner 609830
HR3-096 CrystalDrop Lid, Greiner 609150
HR3-097 CrystalDrop Lid, Greiner 609150
HR3-098 96 Well Imp@ct Plate, without cover, with reservoir, clear, Greiner 673170
HR3-099 96 Well Imp@ct Plate, without cover, with reservoir, clear, Greiner 673170
HR3-100 96 Well Imp@ct Plate, without cover, with reservoir, black, μClear , Greiner 673096
HR3-101 96 Well Imp@ct Plate, without cover, with reservoir, black, μClear , Greiner 673096
HR3-102 MRC Under Oil Crystallization Plate
HR3-103 Cap Mat (for sealing MASTERBLOCK 96 Deep Well Plate)
HR3-104 MRC Under Oil Crystallization Plate
HR3-105 MASTERBLOCK 96 Deep Well Plate
HR3-108 VDXm Plate, without sealant
HR3-110 Linbro Plate
HR3-112 Linbro Plate
HR3-113 CrystalEX 96 Well, Flat Bottom Plate, Corning 3785
HR3-114 Intelli-Plate 24-4
HR3-115 CrystalEX 96 Well, Flat Bottom Plate, Corning 3785
HR3-116 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Low Profile
HR3-117 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Low Profile
HR3-118 CrystalMation Intelli-Plate 96-3 low-profile crystallization plate
HR3-119 CrystalMation Intelli-Plate 96-3 low-profile crystallization plate
HR3-121 72 Well Microbatch Plate, treated, hydrophilic, Greiner 654180
HR3-123 3 Well Crystallization Plate (Swissci)
HR3-125 3 Well Crystallization Plate (Swissci)
HR3-128 CrystalClear D Strips, with indent
HR3-132 Sandwich Box, with cover
HR3-133 I3C Phasing Kit
HR3-134 Siliconized 9 Well Glass Plate
HR3-136 Sandwich Box Setup
HR3-137 Greased CrystalDrop Lid, Greiner 609050
HR3-138 Greased CrystalDrop Lid, Greiner 609050
HR3-140 VDX Plate, without sealant
HR3-142 VDX Plate, without sealant
HR3-143 Intelli-Plate 96-2 LVR
HR3-145 Intelli-Plate 96-2 LVR
HR3-146 Glass Sitting Drop Rods
HR3-148 Glass Sitting Drop Rods
HR3-150 CrystalBridge for ComboPlate , Greiner 662145
HR3-154 CrystalBridge for ComboPlate , Greiner 662145
HR3-156 60 mm Crystallization Mushroom
HR3-157 100 mm Crystallization Mushroom
HR3-158 Cryschem Plate
HR3-160 Cryschem Plate
HR3-162 CrystalClear P Strips, without indent
HR3-163 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Shallow Well
HR3-164 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Shallow Well
HR3-170 VDX Plate, with sealant
HR3-172 VDX Plate, with sealant
HR3-179 MRC Maxi 48-Well Crystallization Plate (10)
HR3-180 MRC Maxi 48-Well Crystallization Plate (40)
HR3-181 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Shallow Well Low Profile
HR3-182 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Shallow Well Low Profile
HR3-183 Intelli-Plate 96-3 LVR
HR3-185 Intelli-Plate 96-3 LVR
HR3-186 LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening Kit (Swissci)
HR3-187 HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci)
HR3-188 CrystalHarp Plate (Swissci)
HR3-190 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 3 drop well, untreated, Greiner 609101
HR3-192 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 3 drop well, untreated, Greiner 609101
HR3-194 Granada Crystallization Box (GCB), 20 plates and 1 holder
HR3-196 Modular VDX Well, without sealant
HR3-198 Modular VDX Frame
HR3-200 24 Well ComboPlate , Greiner 662150
HR3-202 Grease Cartridge
HR3-204 Modular VDX Well, with sealant
HR3-207T 12 mm x 0.22 mm Plain Circle Cover Slides (for Tecan robot)
HR3-209T 12 mm x 0.22 mm Plain Circle Cover Slides (for Tecan robot)
HR3-215 22 mm x 0.22 mm Siliconized Square Cover Slides
HR3-217 22 mm x 0.22 mm Siliconized Square Cover Slides
HR3-221 22 mm x 1 mm Thick Plain Square Cover Slides
HR3-223 22 mm x 1 mm Thick Siliconized Square Cover Slides
HR3-225 22 mm x 1 mm Thick Siliconized Square Cover Slides
HR3-231 22 mm x 0.22 mm Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-233 22 mm x 0.22 mm Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-239 18 mm x 0.22 mm Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-241 18 mm x 0.22 mm Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-247 22 mm x 1 mm Thick Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-249 22 mm x 1 mm Thick Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-251 PEN-VAC Kit
HR3-265 96 Well Microbatch Plate, with cover
HR3-267 96 Well Microbatch Plate, with cover
HR3-269 Multichannel Pipetter Basin
HR3-271 CrystalEX 96 Well, Conical Bottom Plate, Corning 3773
HR3-273 CrystalEX 96 Well, Conical Bottom Plate, Corning 3773
HR3-275 VDX48 Plate, with sealant
HR3-277 12 mm x .22 mm Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-278T 12 mm x .22 mm Siliconized Circle Cover Slides (for Tecan robot)
HR3-279 12 mm x .22 mm Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-280T 12 mm x .22 mm Siliconized Circle Cover Slides (for Tecan robot)
HR3-281 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 2 μl round drop well, 3 drop well, untreated, Greiner 609120
HR3-283 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 2 μl round drop well, 3 drop well, untreated, Greiner 609120
HR3-284 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 1 drop well, LBR, low profile, Greiner 609871
HR3-285 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 1 drop well, LBR, low profile, Greiner 609871
HR3-293 96 Well Imp@ct Plate with cover, no reservoir, Greiner 673101
HR3-295 96 Well Imp@ct Plate with cover, no reservoir, Greiner 673101
HR3-297 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Original
HR3-299 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Original
HR3-302 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 1 drop well, untreated, low profile, Greiner 609171
HR3-304 CrystalQuick 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 1 drop well, untreated, low profile, Greiner 609171
HR3-306 VDXm Plate, with sealant
HR3-308 Cryschem S Plate
HR3-310 Micro-Bridges
HR3-312 Micro-Bridges
HR3-314 5 μl Dialysis Buttons
HR3-316 10 μl Dialysis Buttons
HR3-318 15 μl Dialysis Buttons
HR3-320 20 μl Dialysis Buttons
HR3-326 50 μl Dialysis Buttons
HR3-328 100 μl Dialysis Buttons
HR3-330 200 μl Dialysis Buttons
HR3-332 350 μl Dialysis Buttons
HR3-336 Dialysis Buttons Sampler (5 of each size)
HR3-338 Dialysis Membrane Discs , cutoff 3,500
HR3-340 Micro-Bridges Polypropylene
HR3-342 Micro-Bridges Polypropylene
HR3-344 Dialysis Membrane Discs , cutoff 6,000 to 8,000
HR3-346 Dialysis Membrane Discs , cutoff 12,000 to 14,000
HR3-411 100% Paraffin Oil
HR3-413 Al’s Oil
HR3-415 100% Silicon Oil
HR3-417 Combo Oil Pack (Paraffin, Al’s, & Silicon Oil)
HR3-421 100% Paraffin Oil
HR3-423 100% Silicon Oil
HR3-507 ARI Hanging Drop Seals
HR3-508 Dow Corning 7 Release Compound
HR3-510 Dow Corning Vacuum Grease
HR3-511 1.88 inch wide Crystal Clear Sealing Tape, with cutter
HR3-515 18 mm x 1 mm Thick Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-517 18 mm x 1 mm Thick Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR3-607 UVP Hanging Drop MRC Plate Seal
HR3-609 Crystal Clear Sealing Film
HR3-611 Immersion Oil Sample Pack
HR3-613 Immersion Oil Type A
HR3-615 Immersion Oil Type B
HR3-617 Immersion Oil Type NVH
HR4-110 Assorted Paper Wicks , XXX Fine – X Fine (25 mm)
HR4-112 Paper Wicks , XX Fine (25 mm)
HR4-114 Paper Wicks , X Fine (25 mm)
HR4-116 Paper Wicks , Fine (25 mm)
HR4-122 Paper Wicks , XXX Fine (25 mm)
HR4-124 X-Acto Gripster Knife, Blue
HR4-126 Replacement #11 Blade
HR4-184 VDX Plate Template A1/D6
HR4-188 VDX Plate Template 1-24, 25-48 (2-sided)
HR4-211 Paper Wicks , X Fine Long (55 mm)
HR4-213 Paper Wicks , Medium Long (55 mm)
HR4-217 Crystal Probe
HR4-310 Red Sticky Wax
HR4-312 Beeswax Stick
HR4-313 Mounted CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.025 – 0.05 mm
HR4-315 CrystalWand Magnetic, 45° McMiken Tool
HR4-316 Super Glue
HR4-318 Epoxy Dual Syringe
HR4-320 Duco Cement
HR4-326 Four Color Mounting Clay (4 x 4 ounce blocks)
HR4-328 Capillary Wax
HR4-330 MicroWick
HR4-334 Capillary Cutting Stone
HR4-336 Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop , 0.025 – 0.05 mm
HR4-338 Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop , 0.05 – 0.1 mm
HR4-342 Wax Pen
HR4-344 Wax Pen Replacement Tips
HR4-346 Epoxy & Hardener (35 g tube)
HR4-348 Small Applicator (5 – 100 μl Dialysis Buttons)
HR4-350 Large Applicator (200 & 350 μl Dialysis Buttons)
HR4-400 Tough-Tags Laser, Cryo-Tags
HR4-402 Tough-Tags Laser, Cryo-Babies
HR4-404 Tough-Tags , Cryo-Babies
HR4-406 Tough-Tags , Cryo-Tags
HR4-410 Tough-Tags Small, Red
HR4-411 Duster – Canned Air (10 oz can)
HR4-412 Tough-Tags Small, Yellow
HR4-414 Tough-Tags Small, Green
HR4-416 Tough-Tags Small, Blue
HR4-418 Tough-Tags Large, White
HR4-426 Tough-Tags Large, Blue
HR4-432 Tough-Tags Laser, Large
HR4-434 Tough-Tags Laser, General Purpose
HR4-436 Tough-Spots Small, White
HR4-440 Tough-Spots Small, Yellow
HR4-442 Tough-Spots Small, Green
HR4-444 Tough-Spots Small, Blue
HR4-446 Tough-Spots Large, White
HR4-456 Tough-Tags Laser, Tough-Spots Small
HR4-458 Teeny Tough-Tags
HR4-460 Sidewall Tough-Tags
HR4-462 Teeny Writer
HR4-464 Solvent Resistant Pen, Black
HR4-466 Solvent Resistant Pen, Red
HR4-468 Plate Stand
HR4-506 3 inch wide x 55 yard Crystal Clear Sealing Tape
HR4-511 1.88 inch wide x 60 yard Crystal Clear Sealing Tape
HR4-513 Stereopticon
HR4-515 Stereopticon
HR4-517 Stereo Viewer
HR4-521 ClearSeal Film
HR4-525 Sealing Film Applicator
HR4-600 Long CrystalWand no Tab, 205 mm
HR4-602 Long CrystalWand with Tab, 205 mm
HR4-615 Mounted CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.3 – 0.4 mm
HR4-617 Mounted CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.4 – 0.5 mm
HR4-619 CrystalWand with Tab, 130 mm
HR4-623 CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.05 – 0.1 mm
HR4-625 Mounted CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.05 – 0.1 mm
HR4-627 Magnetic Base – Medium (6,000 gauss)
HR4-629 Magnetic Base – Light (4,000 gauss)
HR4-631 CryoTong 10 mm (standard 110 mm length)
HR4-633 CryoTong 12 mm (standard 110 mm length)
HR4-635 CryoTong 14 mm (standard 110 mm length)
HR4-637 CryoTong 18 mm (standard 110 mm length)
HR4-639 CryoTong 21 mm (standard 110 mm length)
HR4-641 CryoTong 24 mm (standard 110 mm length)
HR4-643 XYZ Short Standard Goniometer Head
HR4-647 XYZ Standard Goniometer Head
HR4-651 Z Platform – Light (for all XYZ Short Heads)
HR4-653 Z Platform – Light (for all XYZ Heads)
HR4-657 Connection Cable
HR4-659 Goniometer Head Key
HR4-661 Brass Specimen Pin
HR4-663 Brass Specimen Pin with Platform
HR4-665 CrystalCap Copper 16 mm
HR4-667 CryoTong 16 mm (standard 110 mm length)
HR4-669 24V Transformer – 120V
HR4-670 Vial Clamp – Straight
HR4-671 Vial Clamp – Curved, 45°/135°
HR4-672 Vial Clamp – Curved, 110°/70°
HR4-673 Spearlab Cryogenic Foam Dewar (800 ml) – Standard
HR4-674 Spearlab Cryogenic Foam Dewar (1400 ml) – Large
HR4-675 Spearlab Cryogenic Foam Dewar (2 liter) – Tall
HR4-677 Round Capillary 100 mm x 0.1 mm
HR4-678 Round Capillary 100 mm x 0.2 mm
HR4-679 Round Capillary 100 mm x 0.3 mm
HR4-680 Round Capillary 50 mm x 0.1 mm
HR4-681 Round Capillary 50 mm x 0.2 mm
HR4-682 Round Capillary 50 mm x 0.3 mm
HR4-683 Round Capillary 40 mm x 0.1 mm
HR4-684 Round Capillary 40 mm x 0.2 mm
HR4-685 Round Capillary 40 mm x 0.3 mm
HR4-686 Round Capillary 30 mm x 0.1 mm
HR4-687 Round Capillary 30 mm x 0.2 mm
HR4-688 Round Capillary 30 mm x 0.3 mm
HR4-695 Dewar Flask – 500 ml, with cover
HR4-697 Dewar Cover – 500 ml
HR4-699 Dewar Flask – 1,000 ml, with cover
HR4-701 Dewar Cover – 1,000 ml
HR4-705 CrystalCap Holder – 1,000 ml
HR4-706 Replacement Height Adjustment Tool
HR4-707 CrystalCap Holder – 500 ml
HR4-708 CryoSleeve
HR4-709 CryoCane 5 Vial Holder
HR4-710 Izit Crystal Dye
HR4-711 CryoCane 6 Vial Holder
HR4-713 CryoCane Color Coder, White
HR4-715 CryoCane Color Coder, Yellow
HR4-717 CryoCane Color Coder, Blue
HR4-719 CryoCane Color Coder, Green
HR4-721 CryoCane Color Coder, Red
HR4-722 CryoCane Color Coder Sampler
HR4-727 Tube Clamp
HR4-729 CrystalWand Magnetic, Straight
HR4-731 CrystalCap Magnetic, with Vial
HR4-733 CrystalCap Magnetic, with Vial
HR4-737 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic 10 mm, with Vial
HR4-739 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic 12 mm, with Vial
HR4-741 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic 14 mm, with Vial
HR4-743 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic 16 mm, with Vial
HR4-745 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic 18 mm, with Vial
HR4-747 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic 21 mm, with Vial
HR4-749 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic 24 mm, with Vial
HR4-753 Storage Case for Goniometer Head
HR4-755 24V Transformer – 230V Intl
HR4-761 Z Platform – Strong (for all XYZ Short Heads)
HR4-763 Z Platform – Strong (for all XYZ Heads)
HR4-765 XYZ Short Heated Goniometer Head
HR4-767 XYZ Heated Goniometer Head
HR4-769 Z Capillary (for all XYZ Short Heads)
HR4-771 Z Capillary (for all XYZ Heads)
HR4-775 Temperature Controller
HR4-777 Temperature Controller Fuse
HR4-779 CrystalCap Magnetic ALS, without Vial
HR4-781 Xenon Chamber Quick Female Connector
HR4-791 Xenon Chamber
HR4-793 Xenon Chamber Pressure Regulator
HR4-795 Xenon Chamber Mini-Vial with Wick
HR4-797 Xenon Recovery System
HR4-799 Xenon Chamber Vial Stand
HR4-811 Micro-Tools Set
HR4-813 Micro-Scale
HR4-815 Micro-Spade
HR4-817 Micro-Prober 45°
HR4-819 Micro-Scraper
HR4-821 Micro-Chisel
HR4-823 Micro-Knife 20°
HR4-825 Micro-Spatula
HR4-827 Micro-Needle
HR4-829 Micro-Tool Handle
HR4-831 Micro-Tools Carrying Case
HR4-835 Mechanical Crystal Pencil
HR4-837 Micro-Tools II Set
HR4-839 Micro-Manipulator
HR4-841 Micro-Knife 45°
HR4-843 Micro-Prober 90°
HR4-845 Micro-Brush
HR4-847 Micro-Hook 90°
HR4-849 Ultra Micro-Needle, Straight
HR4-851 Ultra Micro-Needle 30°
HR4-853 Ultra Micro-Needle 90°
HR4-855 Ultra-Fine Forcep
HR4-857 Slide-Tension Forcep
HR4-859 45° Angled Forcep
HR4-861 30° Tip Angled Forcep
HR4-863 Small Forcep
HR4-865 Medium Forcep
HR4-869 Extra Large Forcep
HR4-871 Straight Microforcep
HR4-875 45° Tip Angled Forcep
HR4-879 Curved Tip Microforcep
HR4-881 Angled Tip Locking Forcep
HR4-883 Locking Forcep
HR4-885 Miltex #5 Swiss Jeweler Forcep
HR4-900 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic 18 mm, without Vial
HR4-902 CrystalCap Magnetic, without Vial
HR4-904 CrystalCap Magnetic, Vial only
HR4-911 CrystalCap
HR4-913 CrystalCap
HR4-914 CrystalCap Ex , 0.5-0.7 mm
HR4-915 MicroTube 10 mm
HR4-917 MicroTube 12 mm
HR4-919 MicroTube 14 mm
HR4-921 MicroTube 18 mm
HR4-923 MicroTube 21 mm
HR4-925 MicroTube 24 mm
HR4-928 MicroTube FitKit (1 of each size)
HR4-929 CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.1 – 0.2 mm
HR4-931 CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.2 – 0.3 mm
HR4-933 CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.3 – 0.4 mm
HR4-935 CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.4 – 0.5 mm
HR4-937 CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.5 – 0.7 mm
HR4-939 CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.7 – 1.0 mm
HR4-941 CryoLoop Sampler – 20 micron (10 of each size)
HR4-943 Magnetic Base – Strong (9,000 gauss)
HR4-951 CrystalWand no Tab, 130 mm
HR4-953 Mounted CryoLoop Sampler – 20 micron (5 of each loop diameter size 0.1 – 1.0 mm)
HR4-955 Mounted CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.1 – 0.2 mm
HR4-957 Mounted CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.2 – 0.3 mm
HR4-959 Mounted CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.3 – 0.4 mm
HR4-961 Mounted CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.4 – 0.5 mm
HR4-963 Mounted CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.5 – 0.7 mm
HR4-965 Mounted CryoLoop – 20 micron, 0.7 – 1.0 mm
HR4-969 CrystalCap Copper 10 mm
HR4-971 CrystalCap Copper 12 mm
HR4-973 CrystalCap Copper 14 mm
HR4-975 CrystalCap Copper 18 mm
HR4-977 CrystalCap Copper 21 mm
HR4-979 CrystalCap Copper 24 mm
HR4-981 CryoLoop Sampler – 10 micron (10 of each size)
HR4-985 CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.1 – 0.2 mm
HR4-987 CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.2 – 0.3 mm
HR4-989 CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.3 – 0.4 mm
HR4-991 CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.4 – 0.5 mm
HR4-993 Mounted CryoLoop Sampler – 10 micron (5 of each size)
HR4-994 Mounted CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.025 – 0.05 mm
HR4-995 Mounted CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.05 – 0.1 mm
HR4-997 Mounted CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.1 – 0.2 mm
HR4-999 Mounted CryoLoop – 10 micron, 0.2 – 0.3 mm
HR5-102 Low Form Dewar – 600 ml
HR5-104 Long CryoTong 10 mm (180 mm length)
HR5-106 Long CryoTong 12 mm (180 mm length)
HR5-108 Long CryoTong 14 mm (180 mm length)
HR5-110 Long CryoTong 16 mm (180 mm length)
HR5-112 Long CryoTong 18 mm (180 mm length)
HR5-113 Long CryoTong 18 mm, 45° (180 mm length)
HR5-114 Long CryoTong 18 mm, 180° (180 mm length)
HR5-118 Long CryoTong 21 mm (180 mm length)
HR5-120 Long CryoTong 24 mm (180 mm length)
HR5-208 DVD Mystery of the Giant Crystals
HR5-210 Methods In Enzymology Vol 368, Part C (hardcover)
HR5-211 Practical Protein Crystallography (hardcover)
HR5-212 Methods In Enzymology Vol 374, Part D (hardcover)
HR5-213 Preparation & Analysis of Protein Crystals (hardcover)
HR5-214 Present at the Flood (paperback)
HR5-215 Macromolecular Crystallography Protocols, Volume 1
HR5-219 Principles of Protein X-Ray Crystallography (hardcover)
HR5-221 Protein Crystallography: A Concise Guide (paperback)
HR5-223 Protein Methods (paperback)
HR5-224 Macromolecular Crystallography: Conventional and High Throughput Methods (hardcover)
HR5-230 Protein Crystallization Strategies for Structural Genomics (hardcover)
HR5-231 Protein Crystallization Techniques, Strategies, & Tips, Second Edition (hardcover)
HR5-233 Crystallography Made Crystal Clear, Third Edition (hardcover)
HR5-235 Biomolecular Crystallography: Principles, Practice, and Application to Structural Biology (hardcover)
HR5-237 Methods and Results in Crystallization of Membrane Proteins (hardcover)
HR5-239 Crystals and Life: A Personal Journey (paperback)
HR5-241 Membrane Protein Purification and Crystallization, A Practical Guide (paperback)
HR5-900 Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop Sampler (5 of each loop diameter size 0.1 – 1.0 mm)
HR5-902 Tool for Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop
HR6-100 X & Y Translation Set Screw
HR6-102 Z Translation Collar Set Screw
HR6-104 0.1 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-106 0.2 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-108 0.3 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-110 0.4 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-112 0.5 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-114 0.6 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-116 0.7 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-118 0.8 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-120 0.9 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-122 1.0 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-124 1.5 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-126 2.0 mm Glass Number 50 Capillary
HR6-128 0.1 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-130 0.2 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-132 0.3 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-134 0.4 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-136 0.5 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-138 0.6 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-140 0.7 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-142 0.8 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-144 0.9 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-146 1.0 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-148 1.5 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-150 2.0 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-151 2.5 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-152 0.1 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-154 0.2 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-156 0.3 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-158 0.4 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-160 0.5 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-162 0.6 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-164 0.7 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-166 0.8 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-168 0.9 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-170 1.0 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-172 1.5 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-174 2.0 mm Special Glass 10 Capillary
HR6-175 3.0 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-177 4.0 mm Quartz Capillary
HR6-179 5.0 mm Quartz Capillary
HR7-098 Thermolysin
HR7-099 Lipase B
HR7-100 Glucose Isomerase
HR7-102 Glucose Isomerase
HR7-104 Xylanase
HR7-106 Xylanase
HR7-108 Lysozyme Kit (12 x 20 mg plus 12 x 1 ml solubilization buffer)
HR7-110 Lysozyme
HR8-002 CrystalCap Colored, Red
HR8-004 CrystalCap Colored, Orange
HR8-006 CrystalCap Colored, Yellow
HR8-008 CrystalCap Colored, Green
HR8-010 CrystalCap Colored, Blue
HR8-012 CrystalCap Colored, Pink
HR8-014 CrystalCap Colored Sampler (10 of each color)
HR8-028 Adjustable Crystal Mount
HR8-030 Glass Fiber, 0.1 – 0.3 mm diameter
HR8-032 Glass Fiber, 0.3 – 0.5 mm diameter
HR8-058 CrystalEX 384 Well, Flat Bottom Plate, Corning 3775
HR8-060 Crystals, X-rays and Proteins (hardcover)
HR8-061 Macromolecular Crystallization, Methods Vol 34, No 3, 2004
HR8-062 Introduction to Macromolecular Crystallography (paperback)
HR8-069 AlumaSeal II Sealing Film
HR8-072 Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop , 0.2 – 0.3 mm
HR8-074 22 mm x 0.22 mm OptiClear Plastic Square Cover Slides
HR8-076 22 mm x 0.22 mm OptiClear Plastic Square Cover Slides
HR8-078 18 mm x 0.22 mm OptiClear Plastic Circle Cover Slides
HR8-080 18 mm x 0.22 mm OptiClear Plastic Circle Cover Slides
HR8-082 22 mm x 0.22 mm OptiClear Plastic Circle Cover Slides
HR8-084 22 mm x 0.22 mm OptiClear Plastic Circle Cover Slides
HR8-086 Outline of Crystallography for Biologists (paperback)
HR8-088 12 mm x 1 mm Thick Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR8-090 12 mm x 1 mm Thick Siliconized Circle Cover Slides
HR8-092 LM Agarose
HR8-094 CrystalCap HT , Cap only, no bar coding
HR8-098 Cover Slide Vacuum Gadget
HR8-100 Special Issue of Journal of Structural Biology (paperback)
HR8-102 Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop , 0.1 – 0.2 mm
HR8-104 Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop , 0.3 – 0.4 mm
HR8-106 Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop , 0.4 – 0.5 mm
HR8-108 Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop , 0.5 – 0.7 mm
HR8-110 Adjustable Mounted CryoLoop , 0.7 – 1.0 mm
HR8-112 CrystalCap HT , Cap only
HR8-114 CrystalCap HT , Vial only
HR8-116 CrystalCap HT , Cap/Vial only
HR8-118 CrystalCap HT , 0.025 – 0.05 mm
HR8-120 CrystalCap HT , 0.05 – 0.1 mm
HR8-122 CrystalCap HT , 0.1 – 0.2 mm
HR8-124 CrystalCap HT , 0.2 – 0.3 mm
HR8-126 CrystalCap HT , 0.3 – 0.4 mm
HR8-128 CrystalCap HT , 0.4 – 0.5 mm
HR8-130 CrystalCap HT , 0.5 – 0.7 mm
HR8-132 CrystalCap HT , 0.7 – 1.0 mm
HR8-133 Seeding Tool
HR8-134 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 4 μl round drop well, 1 drop well, COC, untreated, Corning 3556
HR8-135 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 4 μl round drop well, 1 drop well, COC, untreated, Corning 3556
HR8-136 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 4 μl conical flat drop well, 1 drop well, COC, treated, Corning 3551
HR8-137 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 4 μl conical flat drop well, 1 drop well, COC, treated, Corning 3551
HR8-138 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 2 μl round drop well, 3 drop well, COC, untreated, Corning 3552
HR8-139 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 2 μl round drop well, 3 drop well, COC, untreated, Corning 3552
HR8-140 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 2 μl conical flat drop well, 3 drop well, COC, untreated, Corning 3553
HR8-141 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 2 μl conical flat drop well, 3 drop well, COC, untreated, Corning 3553
HR8-146 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 1 μl conical flat drop well, 3 drop well, COC, untreated, Corning 3550
HR8-147 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 1 μl conical flat drop well, 3 drop well, COC, untreated, Corning 3550
HR8-148 CrystalQuick Plus 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 3 drop well, treated, hydrophobic, Greiner 609130
HR8-149 CrystalQuick Plus 96 Well Plate, 4 μl square drop well, 3 drop well, treated, hydrophobic, Greiner 609130
HR8-150 Intelli-Plate 48-2
HR8-152 Intelli-Plate 48-2
HR8-154 Intelli-Plate 48-3
HR8-156 Intelli-Plate 48-3
HR8-158 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 1 μl conical flat drop well, 5 drop well, PZero, Corning 3557
HR8-160 CrystalEX 96 Well Plate, 1 μl conical flat drop well, 5 drop well, PZero, Corning 3557
HR8-162 Cover Slide Gizmo Dispenser for 22 x 0.22 mm Circle Cover Slides
HR8-163 Cover Slide Gizmo Dispenser for 22 x 1 mm Thick Circle Cover Slides
HR8-164 Cover Slide Gizmo Dispenser for 22 x 0.22 mm Square Cover Slides
HR8-165 Cover Slide Gizmo Dispenser for 22 x 1 mm Thick Square Cover Slides
HR8-166 Replacement Gizmo Cover (fits HR8-162 or HR8-164 only)
HR8-167 Cover Slide Gizmo Dispenser for 12 x 0.22 mm Circle Cover Slides
HR8-168 Cover Slide Gizmo Dispenser for 12 x 1 mm Thick Circle Cover Slides
HR8-169 Cover Slide Gizmo Dispenser for 18 x 0.22 mm Circle Cover Slides
HR8-170 Cover Slide Gizmo Dispenser for 18 x 1 mm Thick Circle Cover Slides
HR8-171 Intelli-Plate Flat Shelf
HR8-172 Intelli-Plate Flat Shelf
HR8-173 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic HT, 0.025 – 0.05 mm
HR8-174 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic HT, 0.05 – 0.1 mm
HR8-175 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic HT, 0.1 – 0.2 mm
HR8-176 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic HT, 0.2 – 0.3 mm
HR8-177 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic HT, 0.3 – 0.4 mm
HR8-178 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic HT, 0.4 – 0.5 mm
HR8-179 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic HT, 0.5 – 0.7 mm
HR8-180 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic HT, 0.7 – 1.0 mm
HR8-181 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic HT, Cap only
HR8-182 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic ALS HT, Cap only
HR8-184 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic ALS HT, 0.025 – 0.05 mm
HR8-186 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic ALS HT, 0.05 – 0.1 mm
HR8-188 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic ALS HT, 0.1 – 0.2 mm
HR8-190 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic ALS HT, 0.2 – 0.3 mm
HR8-192 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic ALS HT, 0.3 – 0.4 mm
HR8-194 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic ALS HT, 0.4 – 0.5 mm
HR8-196 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic ALS HT, 0.5 – 0.7 mm
HR8-198 CrystalCap Copper Magnetic ALS HT, 0.7 – 1.0 mm

Hampton Natrix • Natrix 2 • Natrix HT

Hampton Natrix • Natrix 2 • Natrix HT


  Primary biased sparse matrix crystallization screen for nucleic acids & protein/nucleic acid complexes  主要用于核酸和蛋白质/核酸复合物的删选


Nucleic acid sparse matrix screen
Sparse matrix formulation efficiently samples salts, polyols, polymers, organics, additives & pH
pH range 5.6 – 8.5
Tube or Deep Well block format
Natrix, Natrix 2 and Natrix HT are based upon published reagent formulations for the crystallization of nucleic acids and protein-nucleic acid complexes. A variety of hammerhead ribozymes and other ribozymes, RNAs, DNAs, RNA-drug complexes, and RNA-protein complexes have been crystallized using the Natrix protocols.By using sparse matrix sampling technology, The Natrix kits allow one to quickly test wide ranges of pH, salts, and precipitants using a very small sample of nucleic acid.

Natrix screens are unique in that rather than relying solely on the traditional nucleic acid precipitant MPD, Natrix screens also utilize Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) in a variety of molecular weights (200, 400, 4,000, 8,000) as well as 2-Propanol, Polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether (PEG MME), and 1,6-Hexanediol. Many of the polymeric and low molecular weight organic precipitants are combined with various monovalent salts as precipitating agents. This combination of salts and low molecular weight organics and polyalcohols, as well as the utilization of varying chain length PEGs, has proven to be a successful combination for producing nucleic acid and protein-nucleic acid complex crystals.

Natrix contains 48 unique reagents, 10 ml each and is based on the sparse matrix formulation first described by William Scott in 1995.

Natrix 2, an extension of Natrix, contains 48 unique reagents, 10 ml each. Natrix 2 is a biased sparse matrix screen based on extracting patterns from crystallization data as well as reagent formulations first described by Berger et al in 1996.

Natrix HT contains 1 ml of each reagent from Natrix and Natrix 2 in a single Deep Well block format.

Ready-to-use reagents are sterile filtered and formulated with ultra-pure Type 1 water, using the highest purity salts, polymers, organics and buffers. Individual reagents are available through the Hampton Research Custom Shop.

Natrix • Natrix 2 • Natrix HT
Natrix • Natrix 2 • Natrix HT
View Full Size
Natrix • Natrix 2 • Natrix HT


HR2-116 Natrix 10 ml, tube format
HR2-117 Natrix 2 10 ml, tube format
HR2-131 Natrix HT 1 ml, Deep Well block format


Hampton Research是 美国最权威的蛋白结晶试剂盒提供商,产品齐全,性价比高。

在生命科学领域,上海金畔生物为业界提供了丰富的实验室和生物医药生产研发的产品。 在这里要感谢广大客户多年来对上海金畔生物科技有限公司的支持和厚爱,我们将一如既往的为广大客户带来Hampton高品质的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户来电咨询。‘

美国Hampton Research公司位于加利福尼亚州,是一家专门从事蛋白质晶体研究的生产商。该公司向全球科研人员提供全面的晶体研究试剂和相关实验耗材,同时提供晶体设计和合成方面的定制服务。Hampton Research公司以其先进的生物大分子结晶技术和广泛实用的产品线,不仅为全世界晶体研究人员的工作带来了便捷,而且也受益于科研人员的回馈不断发展自己,目前已成为晶体研究领域最受信赖的品牌之一。

Hampton research主要产品:

Crystallization Screens 用于筛选和优化蛋白质/多肽/核酸结晶的一系列经验证的高精配方型溶液

Optimize Reagents 结晶级别盐类,聚合物,有机溶液或缓冲液

Crystallization Plates, Hardware & Accessories 结晶板(悬滴法和坐滴法,微量透析,微配液,自由界面扩散,凝胶以及无容器悬浮法)及其他配件

Cryocrystallography 低温晶体学耗材如 Crystalcap system,cryoloops

Goniometer Heads&Supplies 测角器头和配件

Protein Crystallization Standards 结晶级别标准蛋白

Custom Shop Crystallization Reagents 定制试剂盒和结晶溶液内的单一组分

StockOptions Kits 内含盐类,缓冲液和冷冻液的简便型试剂盒

Tools,Seeding&Resin 结晶用探针,结晶笔,seeding法结晶工具

Capillary Mounts & Supplies 毛细管,玻璃纤维, 蜡,黏合剂和密封剂


  • StockOptions pH Buffer Kit HR2-241Crystallization grade buffer stocks for crystal screening, optimization, & production

    Crystal Screen Cryo HR2-122

    Primary screen with cryo for proteins, soluble peptides, nucleic acids, & water soluble small molecules

  • Natrix HR2-116Primary biased sparse matrix crystallization screen for nucleic acids & protein/nucleic acid complexes
  • MembFac HR2-114Primary sparse matrix crystallization screen for membrane proteins and samples with limited solubility
  • SaltRx HR2-136Primary or secondary, salt and pH matrix crystallization screen for biological macromolecules
  • Grid Screens HR2-248Primary or secondary, salt, polymer, organic and pH grid crystallization screen for biological macromolecules
  • PEG/Ion HR2-126Primary or secondary, polymer, salt and pH matrix crystallization screen for biological macromolecules
  • PCT™ Pre-Crystallization Test HR2-140Determine the appropriate sample concentration for crystallization screening
  • Index HR2-144Primary, diverse reagent system crystallization screen for proteins, complexes, peptides, nucleic acids, & water soluble small molecules
  • Crystal Screen HR2-110Primary screen for proteins, soluble peptides, nucleic acids, & water soluble small molecules;Sparse matrix additive screen
  • PEGRx HR2-082Primary and secondary, polymer and pH based crystallization screen for biological macromolecules
  • Additive Screen HR2-428Manipulate sample-sample & sample-solvent interactions to improve crystals or alter sample solubility
  • Detergent Screen HR2-408Prevent and manipulate non-specific aggregation due to hydrophobic interactions
  • CryoPro HR2-073Water soluble cryoprotectant reagent set designed for the cryopreservation of biological macromolecular crystals
  • StockOptions Salt HR2-245Crystallization grade salt reagent stock solutions for screen formulation and optimization
  • Siliconized Glass Cover Slides HR3-217Hanging, sitting or sandwich drop crystallization
  • Intelli-Plate 96 HR3-185蛋白结晶座滴板
  • CrystalCap HR4-733
  • CryoLoop HR4-623

    • CryoTong™ – Long HR5-104Crystal transfer under cryo temperature
    • CrystalWand™ Magnetic HR4-729CrystalCap Magnetic & CrystalCap Copper Magnetic handling tool
    • Vial Clamp™ – Straight HR4-670Vial support and manipulation
    • CrystalCap™ Holder HR4-707
    • CryoCane HR4-709

      Organized storage of CrystalCaps



产品编号 中文品名 英文品名
HR4-126 11 刀片替换装 Replacement #11 Blade
HR4-904 CrystalCap Magnetic Vial CrystalCap™, Vial only
HR4-729 CrystalWand Magnetic, Straight CrystalWand™ Magnetic, Straigh
HR4-837 Micro-Tools II Set Micro-Tools II™ Set
HR4-811 Micro-Tools Set Micro-Tools™ Set
HR3-172 VDX 24孔板,带密封剂 VDX™ Plate, with sealant
HR4-902 带磁力底座 CrystalCap™, without Vial
HR4-733 带磁力底座 CrystalCap™, with Vial
HR4-745 带铜管磁力底座 CrystalCap™ Copper 18 mm, with
HR4-708 冻存套 CryoSleeve™
HR3-217 硅化方形盖玻片22mmx0.22mm 22 mm x 0.22 mm Siliconized Sq
HR4-671 夹钳-弯 Vial Clamp™ – Curved, 45°/135°
HR4-670 夹钳-直 Vial Clamp™ – Straight
HR4-316 Super Glue
HR4-506 胶带 3 inch wide x 55 yard Crystal
HR3-083 结晶板 2孔 MRC 2 Well Crystallization Pla
HR3-125 结晶板 3孔 3 Well Crystallization Plate (
HR4-217 晶体探针 Crystal Probe
HR4-662 泡沫保温瓶 Spearlab Cryogenic Foam Dewar
HR4-673 泡沫保温瓶 Spearlab Cryogenic Foam Dewar
HR4-674 泡沫保温瓶 Spearlab Cryogenic Foam Dewar
HR4-675 泡沫保温瓶 Spearlab Cryogenic Foam Dewar
HR1-008 液氮罐 CX100 (含运输箱) CX100 Cryo-Express Dry Shipper
HR2-912-37   Crystal Screen 2™ #37
HR2-501   50% v/v Jeffamine® M-600® pH 7
HR2-509   1.0 M BICINE
HR2-517   100% Polyethylene glycol 300
HR2-523   50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 1,
HR2-525   50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 1,
HR2-529   50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 4,
HR2-533   50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 6,
HR2-537   1.0 M Magnesium formate dihydr
HR2-541   3.5 M Ammonium sulfate
HR2-545   2.0 M Lithium sulfate monohydr
HR2-547   7.0 M Sodium formate
HR2-549   1.6 M Sodium citrate tribasic
HR2-551   4.0 M Sodium phosphate monobas
HR2-557   2.0 M Calcium chloride dihydra
HR2-563   1.0 M Zinc acetate dihydrate
HR2-102   StockOptions™ Hepes
HR2-103   StockOptions™ Bis-Tris Propane
HR2-104   StockOptions™ Citric Acid
HR2-106   StockOptions™ Bis-Tris
HR2-107   SaltRx™ 1
HR2-109   SaltRx™ 2
HR2-110   Crystal Screen™
HR2-112   Crystal Screen 2™
HR2-114   MembFac™
HR2-116   Natrix™
HR2-117   Natrix™ 2
HR2-118   Nucleic Acid Mini Screen™
HR2-126   PEG/Ion Screen™
HR2-235   StockOptions™ Sodium Citrate
HR2-237   StockOptions™ Tris Hydrochlori
HR2-239   StockOptions™ Sodium Cacodylat
HR2-241   StockOptions™ pH
HR2-245   StockOptions™ Salt
HR2-249   StockOptions™ Succinic Acid
HR2-320   Seed Bead™
HR2-406   Detergent Screen HT™
HR2-428   Additive Screen™
HR2-434   Reductive Alylation Kit
HR2-442   Heavy Atom Screen™ Pt
HR2-444   Heavy Atom Screen™ Au
HR2-446   Heavy Atom Screen™ Hg
HR2-448   Heavy Atom Screen M1™
HR2-450   Heavy Atom Screen M2™
HR2-082   PEGRx™ 1
HR2-084   PEGRx™ 2
HR2-096   Silver Bullets™
HR2-098   PEG/Ion 2 Screen™
HR4-315   CrystalWand™ Magnetic, 45° McM
HR4-350   Large Applicator (200 & 350 µl
HR4-625   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-637   CryoTong™ 18 mm (standard 110
HR4-709   CryoCane™ 5 Vial Holder
HR4-711   CryoCane™ 6 Vial Holder
HR2-211   Grid Screen™ Ammonium Sulfate
HR2-213   Grid Screen™ PEG 6000
HR2-227   StockOptions™ Polymer
HR2-233   StockOptions™ Sodium Acetate
HR4-931   CryoLoop™ – 20 micron, 0.2 – 0
HR4-945   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-947   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-953   Mounted CryoLoop™ Sampler – 20
HR4-955   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-957   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-959   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-961   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-963   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-970   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-971   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR4-989   CryoLoop™ – 10 micron, 0.3 – 0
HR2-128   Crystal Screen Lite™
HR2-138   Additive Screen HT™
HR2-140   PCT™ – Pre-Crystallization T
HR4-313   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 20 micron,
HR2-601   100% Polyethylene glycol 200
HR2-607   50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 10
HR2-609   30% w/v Polyethylene glycol 20
HR2-611   100% Polyethylene glycol monom
HR2-613   50% w/v Polyethylene glycol mo
HR2-615   50% w/v Polyethylene glycol mo
HR2-625   6.0 M 1,6-Hexanediol
HR2-637   5.0 M Sodium chloride
HR2-723   1.0 M BICINE pH 9.0
HR2-755   100% Tacsimate™ pH 7.0
HR2-761   3.0 M DL-Malic acid pH 7.0
HR2-801   TCEP hydrochloride
HR2-821   2.0 M Magnesium sulfate heptah
HR2-829   100% Tacsimate™ pH 8.0
HR2-857   4.0 M TMAO
HR2-859   100% Polyethylene glycol 600
HR2-910-08   Crystal Screen™ #08
HR2-144   Index™
HR4-993   Mounted CryoLoop™ Sampler – 10
HR4-995   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 10 micron,
HR4-999   Mounted CryoLoop™ – 10 micron,
HR6-146   1.0 mm Quartz Capillary
HR8-034   Cryo Puck Carrier
HR8-035   Porcupine Push Tool
HR8-036   Puck Wand
HR8-037   Cryo Puck Base Removal Platfor
HR8-038   Angled Cryo Puck Tong
HR8-039   Cryo Puck Dewar Loading Tool
HR8-114   CrystalCap HT™, Vial only
HR8-133   Seeding Tool
HR8-173   CrystalCap™ Copper HT, 0.025 –
HR8-174   CrystalCap™ Copper HT, 0.05 –
HR8-175   CrystalCap™ Copper HT, 0.1 – 0
HR8-176   CrystalCap™ Copper HT, 0.2 – 0
HR2-575   1.0 M Sodium cacodylate trihyd
HR2-581   1.0 M Hydrochloric acid

Hampton 48孔坐滴蛋白结晶板 48-Well Crystallization Plate

Hampton 48孔坐滴蛋白结晶板 48-Well Crystallization Plate


Sitting drop crystallization


One drop per reservoir
SBS format
48 well plate
9 mm standard distance between wells
Drop volume: Up to 10 µl
Reservoir volume: 50 to 200 µl
Micro-numbering alongside drop volumes
Rigid plate structure
Wide partition walls between wells improve sealing
Developed in conjunction with the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, United Kingdom
UV compatible (UVP)
MRC Maxi 48-Well Crystallization Plate for Automated OptimizationThe MRC Maxi optimization plate is a breakthrough for macromolecular crystallization presented in a 48 well format. Offering easy to automate crystallization optimization with large sitting-drops, the new MRC Maxi Crystallization plate is the perfect solution. Manufactured by Swissci AG, the plate offers an SBS format while providing 48 wells. MRC Maxi is intended for large drops and is compatible both with standard robotic systems as well as manual pipetting.

The plate was developed at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (Cambridge, UK) in collaboration with Jan Löwe and Fabrice Gorrec. It is a result of many years of experience in successful robotic high-throughput crystallization and complements the original MRC crystallization plate, which is intended for smaller drop volumes and higher throughput during screening.

Drop volumes of up to 10 µl are possible. The 9 mm standard distance between wells is preserved, enabling the use of multi-channel manual pipettes and robotic liquid handlers, making MRC Maxi one of the most automation-friendly optimization plates on the market.

MRC Maxi is covered by global intellectual property and design registration as are the Swissci AG MRC 2 lens 96 well plates. Several breakthrough features of the original MRC plate have been maintained. Wells are labeled individually. Drops are raised for easy access during crystal retrieval. MRC Maxi uses the same proprietary polymer specially selected for the purpose of UV light visualization and the material used keeps through-plastic evaporation to a minimum. Well shapes are spherical but shallow.

The MRC Maxi Crystallization plate offers unique properties that make it the ideal choice for microliter-sized optimization experiments and is made from UV compatible UVP.

The advantages of the MRC Maxi Crystallization plate – in brief

Easy Crystal Retrieval
Raised wide wells make the crystal mounting especially easy.

Easy Viewing
The wells are wide conical.
Each well has a micro lens for perfect illumination.
Micro numbering readable under the microscope for each well.
The optically superior polymer (UVP) is UV transmissible.

Better Sealing
Wide partition walls between the wells give plenty of area for good sealing with tape.

Very Rigid, Automation-Friendly Plate Design
The UVP polymer reduces through-plastic evaporation to a minimum.

SBS Standard
The plates are designed to the SBS standard and are compatible with all common holders.
9 mm distance from well-to-well within columns, 18 mm distance within rows.

Unique Polymer (UVP)
Ultra-low sample binding.
No static charging.

Recommended Volumes
Volumes validated for MRC Maxi are up to 10 µl of sample drop and 200 µl of the crystallization reagent.

HR3-179 MRC Maxi 48-Well Crystallization Plate 10 plate case
HR3-180 MRC Maxi 48-Well Crystallization Plate 40 plate case

Hampton 96孔坐滴蛋白结晶板–Intelli-Plate

Hampton 96孔坐滴蛋白结晶板–Intelli-Plate

在生命科学领域,上海金畔生物为业界提供了丰富的实验室和生物医药生产研发的产品。在这里要感谢广大客户多年来对上海金畔生物科技有限公司的支持和厚爱,我们将一如既往的为广大客户带来Hampton Intelli-Plate 96孔蛋白结晶板高品质的产品和服务,欢迎广大新老客户来电咨询。

Intelli-Plate 96 (Art Robbins Instruments)


  Sitting Drop Crystallization   用于蛋白坐滴结晶

Features  特征:

SBS microplate footprint & standard well spacing
Optically clear wells provide for superior crystal imaging
Well layout makes crystal harvesting easier
UV transmissible and low birefringence
2 well versions available in small and large drop well or two identical shallow drop wells
3 well versions are ideal for optimizing protein concentration, additive screens, drop ratio and combinatorial experiments
Rounded reservoir corners to prevent reservoir (MPD) creep


Art Robbins Instruments has developed the ideal family of plates for crystallography applications: the Intelli-Plate. All versions of the Intelli-Plate have the SBS microplate footprint and standard well spacing and are ideal for manual or automated processing.

The Intelli-Plate 96-2 Low Profile (Art Robbins 102-0001-10 Hampton Research HR3-116 and HR3-117) is a low profile version of the Intelli-Plate 96-2 LVR (Low Volume Reservoir). Reservoir volume: 100 µl max. Drop well volume: 4 µl and 10 µl max. UV transmissible and low birefringence.

The CrystalMation Intelli-Plate 96-3 low-profile crystallization plate (Art Robbins 102-0001-13 Hampton Research HR3-118 and HR3-119) is a low profile version of the Intelli-Plate 96-3 LVR (Low Volume Reservoir). The plate is designed for sitting drop vapor diffusion crystallization experiments. It is constructed from optically clear, UV-transmissible, chemically resistant plastic with superior low birefringence. The low-profile construction allows for higher density in plate storage and imaging systems, maximizing your investment and valuable space. The plate is designed to be a substantial improvement in existing low-profile plates, allowing for superior sealing due to thicker well design and a flat sealing surface. It has been built to the SBS (Society for Biomolecular Screening) standard dimensions with 8 vertical wells along the left side of the plate (A-H) and 12 horizontal wells along the top of the plate (1-12). It is compatible with automated instrumentation including the CrystalMation line of instruments from Rigaku. The plate features three identical sized sample drop wells per reservoir. The wells are concave depressions along the left side (Y-axis) of the plate and are located on the ledge above the adjacent, flat bottom reagent reservoir. Each well features a round bottom for easy crystal harvesting and can hold up to 1 µl of sample. The multiple well design allows for combinatorial experiments, complex co-crystallization experiments for ligand screening, or for drop concentration variation. The reagent reservoir is typically filled with 50 to 70 µl of reagent. Reservoir volume: 100 µl max. Drop well volume: 1 µl max. UV transmissible and low birefringence.

The Intelli-Plate 96-2 LVR (Art Robbins 102-0001-00 Hampton Research HR3-143 and HR3-145) is a Low Volume Reservoir version of the original Intelli-Plate. Reservoir volume: 100 µl max. Drop well volume: 1 µl max. UV transmissible and low birefringence.

The Intelli-Plate 96-3 LVR (Art Robbins 102-0001-03 Hampton Research HR3-183 and HR3-185) is a Low Volume Reservoir, 3 drop well version of the Intelli-Plate. Reservoir volume: 100 µl max. Typical reservoir volume 50 µl. Drop well volume: 1 µl max. UV transmissible and low birefringence.

The Intelli-Plate 96-2 Original crystallization plate (Art Robbins 102-0011-00 Hampton Research HR3-297 and HR3-299) is an optically clear plate for sitting drop vapor diffusion crystallization. All wells have standard 9 mm spacing to conform to SBS standards with 8 vertical wells along the left side of the plate (A-H) and 12 horizontal wells along the top of the plate (1-12). This plate features two locations for sample per reservoir. The sample drop locations are located along the left side of the reagent reservoir, along the Y-axis of the plate. The sample wells are concave depressions on the ledge above the adjacent, flat bottom reagent reservoir. One sample well is located above the second sample well. The top sample well can hold 10 µl or less of sample. The lower sample well can hold 4 µl or less of sample. The reagent reservoir is typically filled with 100 µl of reagent and is capable of holding up to 300 µl of reagent. The sidewalls separating adjacent wells or reservoirs are 0.9 and 1.0 mm thick in order to offer a larger area for sealing the plate and a separation of the reservoirs. This plate is rigid, with virtually no torsional flex and is designed for either manual or automated pipetting. UV transmissible and low birefringence.

The Intelli-Plate Flat Shelf (Art Robbins 102-0001-01 Hampton Research HR8-171 and HR8-172) crystallization plate is a flat drop shelf version of the original Intelli-Plate. Reservoir volume: 300 µl max. No drop well. UV transmissible and low birefringence.

The Intelli-Plate 96-2 Shallow Well (Art Robbins 102-0001-20 Hampton Research HR3-163 and HR3-164) has two identically sized 2 µL reaction wells and a 140 µL screen reservoir. Each of the two identical well features a round bottom shallow well design for easy crystal harvesting and is arranged in an 8 x 12 array. This plate has low birefringence and is UV compatible. This plate is also available in a low profile height (Art Robbins 102-0001-21).

The plates can be sealed using Crystal Clear Sealing Film (HR3-609), 3 inch wide Crystal Clear Sealing Tape (HR4-506) or ClearSeal Film™ (HR4-521).

The height of Intelli-Plate is 0.560 inches. The height of Intelli-Plate Low Profile is 0.315 inches (8.001 mm).

Intelli-Plate 96 (Art Robbins Instruments)

Intelli-Plate 96-3

HR3-116 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Low Profile 20 plate case
HR3-117 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Low Profile 80 plate case
HR3-118 CrystalMation Intelli-Plate 96-3 low-profile 20 plate case
HR3-119 CrystalMation Intelli-Plate 96-3 low-profile 80 plate case
HR3-143 Intelli-Plate 96-2 LVR 10 plate case
HR3-145 Intelli-Plate 96-2 LVR 40 plate case
HR3-183 Intelli-Plate 96-3 LVR 10 plate case
HR3-185 Intelli-Plate 96-3 LVR 40 plate case
HR3-297 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Original 10 plate case
HR3-299 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Original 40 plate case
HR8-171 Intelli-Plate Flat Shelf 10 plate case
HR8-172 Intelli-Plate Flat Shelf 40 plate case
HR3-163 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Shallow Well 10 plate case
HR3-164 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Shallow Well 40 plate case
HR3-181 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Shallow Well Low Profile 20 plate case
HR3-182 Intelli-Plate 96-2 Shallow Well Low Profile 80 plate case

Hampton坐滴蛋白结晶板 3 Well Crystallization Plate (Swissci)

Hampton坐滴蛋白结晶板     3 Well Crystallization Plate (Swissci)

3 Well Crystallization Plate (Swissci)

Applications:Sitting drop crystallization  应用于坐滴结晶


Lens effect drop wells for enhanced optics
Drop volume: 50 nl to 5 碌l
Micro-numbering alongside drop volumes
Reservoir volume: 20 to 40 碌l
ANSI/SLAS 1-2004 Standard
Drop well allows easier crystal harvesting
Three drop wells per reservoir
Midi profile or Low Profile for easier storage
UV compatible (UVP)

Hampton坐滴蛋白结晶板3    Well Crystallization Plate (Swissci)


The SWISSCI 3 Lens Crystallization Plate is an ideal product for protein crystallization presented in a 96-well plate format.


The plate was developed in collaboration with very experienced protein crystallographers. It is the result of many years of experience in successful robotic high-throughput crystallization and combines many of the necessary features not earlier available to the crystallographer.
The SWISSCI 3 Lens crystallization Plate offers unique properties that make it ideal for both nanoliter crystallization screening and mircoliter optimization alike. Made from optically superior polymer (UVP) and with a new design of the wells, the plate allows easy crystal viewing and retrieval.The Advantages of the 3 Lens Crystallization Plate    优点:Easy crystal retrieval   易结晶
Raised wide wells make the crystal mounting especially easy.Easy viewing
The wells are a wide conical shape and have a lens effect for perfect illumination. The micro-numbering ensures you will never get lost again (visible by microscope). The optically superior polymer is UV transmissible and may be used to differentiate between salt and protein crystals.Better sealing
Wide partition walls between the wells give plenty of area for good sealing with tape. No central bending occurs in this very robust structure. Excellent long term storage – no sample evaporation.Wide range of volumes
Typical volumes are 20-40 µl of reservoir and 50 nl-5 µl drop size. The 288 optical wells offer three times the number of experimental constructions.ANSI/SLAS 1-2004 Standard
The plates are designed to the 96-well ANSI/SLAS 1-2004 standards for all common holders and external numbering (A-H, 1-12)with corner location make the plate easy to use in a robotic sampler. The 3 Lens plate is suitable for centrifugation. The unique 3 drop protein crystallization plate offers a new way of sitting-drop crystallography. The 288 wells are optically perfect designed to observe crystals under a microscope.3 Lens plate features
Easy to fill 96-lens structure – typically 30 microlitres per buffer lens. Standard ANSI/SLAS 1-2004 form for automation. Optically perfect wells with lens effect for a better view with microscope. Microscopic identifier within wells, simplifying the orientation under the microscope. Maximum volume of the buffer reservoir is 40 microlitres. Grown crystals are easy to identify and to remove from lens due to a low-binding polymer. Plate with 3 lenses for each sample, better growing security with triplicates or the ability to use lens two and lens three as mixing stations. Lenses fill without micro-droplets jumping out due to static effects. Wells can be individually sealed with a perfectly flat upper surface – there is a large land area designed to ensure integrity of each lens section. The profile allows for easier storage. Low volume buffer well enables savings on reagents. Triplicates allow for 288 constructs per plate.3 Well Midi Crystallization Plate (Swissci 3W96TUVP)
3 Well Low Profile Crystallization Plate (Swissci 3W96TLP-UVP)

Hampton坐滴蛋白结晶板  3 Well Crystallization Plate (Swissci)

Sitting drop crystallization

HR3-123 3 Well Midi Crystallization Plate (Swissci) 10 plate case
HR3-125 3 Well Midi Crystallization Plate (Swissci) 40 plate case
HR3-205 3 Well Low Profile Crystallization Plate (Swissci) 10 plate case
HR3-206 3 Well Low Profile Crystallization Plate (Swissci) 40 plate case

Hampton蛋白悬滴结晶板 HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate

Hampton蛋白悬滴结晶板 HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate

美国Hampton Research公司位于加利福尼亚州,是一家专门从事蛋白质晶体研究的生产商。该公司向全球科研人员提供全面的晶体研究试剂和相关实验耗材,同时提供晶体设计和合成方面的定制服务。Hampton Research公司以其先进的生物大分子结晶技术和广泛实用的产品线,不仅为全世界晶体研究人员的工作带来了便捷,而且也受益于科研人员的回馈不断发展自己,目前已成为晶体研究领域最受信赖的品牌之一。

Hampton research主要产品:

Crystallization Screens 用于筛选和优化蛋白质/多肽/核酸结晶的一系列经验证的高精配方型溶液

Optimize Reagents 结晶级别盐类,聚合物,有机溶液或缓冲液

Crystallization Plates, Hardware & Accessories 结晶板(悬滴法和坐滴法,微量透析,微配液,自由界面扩散,凝胶以及无容器悬浮法)及其他配件

Cryocrystallography 低温晶体学耗材如 Crystalcap system,cryoloops

Goniometer Heads&Supplies 测角器头和配件

Protein Crystallization Standards 结晶级别标准蛋白

Custom Shop Crystallization Reagents 定制试剂盒和结晶溶液内的单一组分

StockOptions Kits 内含盐类,缓冲液和冷冻液的简便型试剂盒

Tools,Seeding&Resin 结晶用探针,结晶笔,seeding法结晶工具

Capillary Mounts & Supplies 毛细管,玻璃纤维, 蜡,黏合剂和密封剂

Hampton蛋白悬滴结晶板 HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate

HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci)

HDP Hanging Drop Plate

HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci)

Single Well with Tool

HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci)

Hanging Drop Wells

Applications—Hanging drop crystallization


  Made from optically superior polymer (UVP)

  Allen key novel crystal plug closure system

  Wells are micro-numbered

Description  描述:
The Swissci Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate is a breakthrough for protein crystallization in a 96-well format. For the first time individual wells can be identified and removed without any disturbance to the growing crystals inside the plate.Description

The plate has been developed by Swissci AG together with leading Crystallographers. It is the result of many years of experience in successful robotic high-throughput crystallization.

The Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate offers unique properties that make it ideal for both nanoliter crystallization screening and microliter optimization alike. Made from optically superior polymer (UVP) and with a new design of the wells, the plate allows easy crystal viewing and retrieval. The system is fully covered by design and patent protection.

The Advantages of the Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate

Easy Crystal Retrieval
Raised wide wells make the crystal mounting especially easy. Allen key system allows for smooth removal and subsequent microscopic investigation / X-ray with the novel crystal plug closure all included in the system.

Easy Viewing
The wells are wide conical and have a lens effect for perfect illumination. The micro-numbering ensures you will never loose the location under the microscope.

The optically superior polymer is UV transmissible and can be used to differentiate between salt and protein crystals.

Integral Sealing
Wide partition walls between each well provides a high surface area for very good sealing with the advanced quality sealing tape. The sealing tape is integrated into the kit so there is no need to purchase additional parts prior to starting a procedure.

Wide Range of Volumes
Typical volumes are 50 – 200 µl of reservoir and 10 nanoliter – 5 microliter drop size.

SBS Standard
The complete plate is designed to the 96-well SBS standard for all common holders.

HR3-187 Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci) 10 plate case

Hampton蛋白悬滴结晶板 HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate 相关产品:

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Greiner ComboPlate and CrystalBridge
Hanging and sitting drop crystallization
HDP Hanging Drop Crystallization Plate (Swissci)
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Protein Crystallization Covers for Hanging Drop Vapor Diffusion
Protein Methods
Daniel M. Bollag, Michael D. Rozycki, & Stuart J. Edelstein
Solubility & Stability Screen
Identify protein specific additives that promote solubility and stability
UVP Hanging Drop Plate Seal (Swissci)
Swissci UVP Hanging Drop Plate Seal
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VDX48 Plate with sealant
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Hanging drop crystallization
VDXm Plate with sealant
Hanging drop crystallization